Viewing Class Section Enrollment

Administrators can view class section enrollment in the Student Administration System. 

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    NavBar icon
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 

    NavBar Menu
  3. Click the Curriculum Management tab. 

  4. Click the Schedule of Classes tab. 

  5. Click the Update Sections of a Class tab.

  6. Enter the Term. This step is required. 

  7. You can enter the Subject AreaCatalog Nbr, and Campus; however you are not required to do so.

  8. Click Search once Search Criteria information is completed. 

  9. Click the Class Enrollment Limits tab.

  10. Click View All to view all the sections of this class. The Enrl Tot field will show the real-time enrollment numbers for each section.

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