Setting Up a Chemical Shipping Address and Placing Chemical Orders

Employees at the Storrs and Depot campuses (excluding the Chemistry Building) are required to follow specific procedures to set up a chemical shipping address and place chemical orders through HuskyBuy.

Setting Up a Chemical Shipping Address

  1. Click the person icon in the upper right corner of the page and select View My Profile.

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  1. Select Default User Settings and then click Default Addresses. Click Select Addresses for Profile.

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  1. Enter CS Chem in the “Nickname/ Address Text” field and click Search. Select CS Chem from the search results to populate the address fields.

  1. Enter the following information:

    1. Nickname: Create a nickname to identify the address (e.g., CS Chem BPB 300).

    2. Attn: Enter the principal investigator/lab manager’s last name. To add a second individual to an order (e.g., a graduate student, lab technician, etc.), add a slash (/), and the person’s last name.

    3. Room: Enter the building abbreviation and room number where the chemical will be stored (e.g., BPB 300). This field holds eight characters (including spaces). Click Save.

  1. The nickname will appear under Shipping Addresses for all future purchases. Repeat steps 2-4 to add additional chemical shipping addresses if the principal investigator/lab manager oversees multiple rooms where chemicals will be stored.

Placing Chemical Orders

  1. Add chemical(s) to your shopping cart. Type 85 next to “Commodity Code” laboratory chemicals that require barcoding in the Laboratory Chemical Inventory Program. Click Proceed to Review.

  1. In the draft Requisition, click the Summary tab. Under Shipping, click the pencil edit button to edit the Ship To address.

  1. Add internal comments or attachments under the Comments tab and external (to the supplier) comments/attachments under the Summary tab, in the External section, if necessary.

  1. In the Edit Shipping window, select the appropriate CS Chem address. Click Save Changes.

  1. The Ship to address will be populated in the requisition. Prior to submitting the requisition, verify that the principal investigator/lab manager’s last name, the last name of the person receiving the package (if applicable), building abbreviation, and lab room number are correct.

  1. After you have completed all required steps for your order, you can either assign the cart or place order.

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