Enterprise Financials System Access Request

Production Upgrade Release Notes



      • (fixed) LDAP service call was using deprecated uconnPersonKuali.
        • Updated the data element from source ID for uconnPersonKuali to department code.
      • (fixed) User info is cleared on approval (fixed)
        • Auto-Assign formula was set to run whenever search fields were changed.  Routing the form through workflow cleared out the search form.  Turning off auto formula fixed the issue.
      • Added code to auto-populate request date on front page of Common form.

-Also set the field to inactive (read-only)

      • Added code to populate Review date when radio button is selected by reviewer for approval, deny, or return.
      • Updated Access Request form to have two dates:

-Request date - the date the original Common form was recreated.  Originally this was review date.

-Review date - date that the reviewer (Dean, Dep. Head, Delegate) approved the form.

      • Updated HB roles to radio buttons on Common form

-updated Access Request form to include radio buttons

-updated service call to Access Request form to remove old check boxes and add radio buttons

      • Updated roles section to remove other options and add length to role field
      • Auto-populate org information with user info

-Also added in organization number to user info so that the current service used can return the org ID needed to perform the organization review lookup. 

      • Search First/Last/Net ID
        • David working on service call so we can search for and return desired fields
      • Ad Hoc requests to other users

-Should be able to complete once service is set up for first/lastname and net id

      • Finish MUD Exception form with better search functionality

-waiting for David to finish work on service

      • (Access Request form) Need to define who will be in what groups for workflow routing:

-KFS Admin

-Reporting Services

      • (Access Request form) Needs additional testing to determine if any additional changes due to various workflow will be needed. 



      • Set up the remaining parts to use First/Last Name -or- Net ID in the mean time
      • Built out User look up on Common Request Form
      • Built out AD Hoc user lookup on the Access Request Form
      • Both lookups utilize opening another page instead of building pure JavaScript for Popup boxes
      • Built out additional workflow for ad hoc uses
      • Added user reply comments into email workflow so that comments can be reviewed via email
      • Fixed other misc bugs found between form elements


      • Added wording to 'HuskyBuy roles' a hint for 'Shopper is a default role and no form/approval is required'
      • Changed color format on headers from #000E2F (UConn brand color) back to a vivid blue (#0033cc).  Applied the .CSS file to both the Systems Access Request & System Access Request Common applications
      • Made organization number read-only.  Service call does not execute until user exits out of field.  If user needs to change org/department, they can pick from the access summary section below.
      • Updated "Search for UConn Person..." image to have larger font and text to be"Click to search for UConn person…" and to use same color of Hint font on other fields (#2d74da)
        • Adding image hover scaling to add depth to show it is a link
      • Expanded "Is this request for you or someone else" to appear on 1 line instead of 2
      • Added verbiage to the bottom of the form with a link to contact the Helpdesk for further assistance.
        • To: helpcenter@uconn.edu
        • Subject: Question on System Access Request Form - Enterprise Financials and Workload Automation
        • Body:

**Questions on how to fill out the form should be directed to Finance Systems. 

 **Questions on HuskyBuy roles should be directed to the HuskyBuy support team.


Lans Spreadsheet Tabs

SubmitTestingScreensFeb21- Search for form in FEB:

      • Renamed Enterprise Financials Access Request to Enterprise Financials Access Request - System Administration
        • Added a description as to who and why you would use this application.**Note** direct access to this application is always turned off.  Anyone attempting to access this application without proper permissions will receive an access denied message.****
      • Renamed System Access Request Common to Enterprise Financials Access Request

SubmitTestingScreensFeb21- Save Draft Notification:

- we can add a link back to the application once we figure out where we are posting the links for users to access the FEB applications (somewhere on the Enterprise Financials Website?)

SubmitTesting Tab comments:

      • Added reviewer comments to the Approval e-mail for when the Dean, Director, or Delegate approve the form request.  -
        • Also inserted the actual approvers name into the body of the email with the reviewer comments.
      • In the Deny approval email comments: reviewer comments are now 14 font and inserted a line break between the body of the email and the reviewer comments


      • Added email notifications for when form is submitted to KFS workflow
      • Added functionality for emailing form links when user saves a draft
      • Updated code where user's org info would still be auto-assigned from LDAP Org even if user manually chose Org
      • Added functionality for submitted/KFS Review queues.  Users can now 'check-out' forms to notify other KFS Reviewers that form review is underway.


KFS System Access Request App

Since Asset Panda workflow is simple, InventoryControl does not need to approve forms

-Added functionality to email form to InventoryControl@uconn.edu once if the form has Asset Panda set up and it the department head/delegate approves

'Search Person' page

-Double clicking will no longer perform an action

-Single clicking a User record will populate the main form without having to click OK

-reduces the overall number of clicks to return information

-Created Visio flowchart for application workflow and business process

-users testing, getting some good feedback.

      • Have not heard back from reporting

3/15/2019 11:00 AM

      • Found an issue where the approval delegate was not being set correctly.
        •  if the initiator set a Department Head as the User on the form, and the initiator then searched for and set a different Department Head to set as the User (or went up 1 level in the org tree), the delegate approvers would not update correctly

-Made NetID read-only when selection is 'myself'

-clear out comparison section ID when 'someone else or myself'

-clear out comparison section ID when manually updating NetID field

-clear out comparison section ID If user decides to manually select department (this is done on the onShow event of the department dropdown)

-when using the 'search for person' page:

-added an onShow event to clear out previously stored user information if initiator attempted to exit the page and then attempt another search.

-removed OK button since it is no longer needed with the onClick event of the table

      • Updated clarification emails sent from Approver to go to Requester/Initiator instead of User


Security Form Production Links:

-Launch new Request form URL


-launch new Delegate form URL


-'view responses - Request' & 'view responses - Delegate'


-view responses - System Review


**Note** Keep in mind, everyone will be able to login to each link, but their view will be based on their permissions granted for each form submitted (dynamically/manually assigned roles).  KFS Admin users will always have Read/Write for all forms.  Examples below. 

      • Launch new Request form
        • Used by any initiator to start a new system access request form for a User
      • Launch new Delegate form
        • (KFS Admin) Create a new delegate approver assignment for a department that does not yet have delegates

      • View Responses URLs
        • Request view
          • -Department Approvers can view forms that have been assigned to them for review
          • -Inventory Control team to see forms approved by Department Approver
          • -Form Initiators can view their submissions to see if Department Approver has approved or not
        • Delegate
          • (KFS Admin) Maintain existing delegate approvers for departments
        • System review
          • -For KFS Admin reviewers to view all forms approved by Department Approver and in KFS Review queue
          • -Used by Reporting Admin team to view forms in queue
          • -Can be accessed by any other ad hoc approvers to view forms in their queue
          • -Repository for all final forms that have been fully approved for system setup


 -remove KFS ADMIN field with value 'UNASSIGNED' as readable in view responses, since this is only used once the form is created in the System Admin application for new form submissions

 -Edit Terms and Conditions to let form Initiator know that the User will receive a notification of the terms and conditions once access is granted.

 -Added a production URL to new form/view responses for the submission confirmation page once the initiator submits a form.

 -Added a production URL for view responses for once the org approver approves a form.

 -Update Title of page to be less generic for users when in View Responses, since View Responses will likely be their application 'Home' page.

 -Make Reviewer Name/email visible in View Responses

 -Update Title of Delegate page to 'Delegate Administration (KFS Admin Only)' for avoid user confusion

 -found one last 'request help' email link where the email needed to be updated with correct verbiage

 -Made Help text slightly larger (12pt)

 -Updated the Hint for when selecting 'someone else' to include red asterisks (*)

 Updated Org delegate assignments for ALL child orgs under the Parents listed in the approval document folder.


Launch New Access Request:



View Responses – Form Submissions:

-Can also launch new forms from here

-useful for department approvers to see forms approved/in-queue:

-form initiators can see forms that they have submitted

-used by KFS Admins to update Delegates


View Responses – System Review:

-Used for KFS and other System Admins to review approved forms from form initiator and department approver



Updates to applications:

-Added functionality for a loading notification ('loading' .gif image) to the search person page to help alert the user as to when the search has started and completed

-'Organization' and 'Org Number' (LDAP) were not populating on System Review form (they did not exist).  Included these in the call to the web service.

-inserted functionality to save comments when KFS Admin is reviewing a form without having to route

-corrected a couple of grammar errors from 04/04 update

-Designee Form: since table data cannot be viewed in the FEB 'View Responses' without exporting to Excel, I added a mutli-line text box where the table data is pushed to.  This way, all designee names for each Org can be seen in View Responses:

var delegatereviewernames = [];

var table = BO.F_OrgDesigneeTable;

for (var i = 0; i < table.getLength(); i++) { delegatereviewernames.push(get(table.get(i),"F_DesigneeName").getValue());


BO.F_Designeelist.setValue(delegatereviewernames.join(", "));

4/10/2019 Released

-Updated title description of Asset Panda to Asset Panda (Surplus, Equipment tracking)

-Updated Title description of KFS to KFS (Kuali Financial System)


Delegate Administration

 Needed to update Delegate person search to include FEB web service and not AJAX (to avoid any conflicts this could have in the future with http vs https and NetScaler)

-Complete re-design.  This should also work and look more fluid.

 Made Designee List read-only

System Review

 make rest of form viewable when assigning to self

 Add actual reviewer name for sign-off besides the total group of approvers

 Add ability to add attachments to KFS Review section.  Attachments can also be seen in View Responses.

 Add form initiator from app 1 to have read access in app 2

 Both form initiator and User being granted access can now both view forms in System Review stages (2nd App)

 Form initiator will be CCed on email when User being granted access has system access setup completed

 Move 'Approved by Org date' to summary section

 Add Ad Hoc Recipient name in View Responses

 Complete re-design of Ad Hoc search to work more fluidly.

 Add HuskyBuy Approver description box to service call from app 1 to 2

 Adjusted deny response email from KFS Admin to include form initiator Cced along with KFS Admin comments in body of email

Form Request

 Added functionality for 'access approval summary' section to be required, where the valid flag is set if the 'Access Approver(s) to be emailed' field is blank.

 Added code to look for Org 1000 (President) and to always use the delegate instead of going up 1 level. 

 Added CSS/JS to change cursor to 'waiting' for when the search for person web service is running.


-Added the Ad Hoc 'Approve/Deny' response to the View Responses page.

-Created a 'Form History' section that keeps track of comments made and Ad Hoc approvals done on the form


Launch new access request

-Change email notifications for when user/initiator submits the form ((From Mike Long) removed 'to' from confirmation email)

-updated tracking number to be ID from View Responses

-(form Brett)Added in form Initiator Cced on the email sent to the User when the initial form submission is sent to the Org approver

-Added in PENDING APPROVAL by {Org Approver to be emailed} to initial submitted email by form initiator


System Review

 -Hid more fields for the 'End' stage for better Print functionality.  Form should now look more presentable when printing.

 -Add in View Responses 'ID' to System Review form.  (For Bruce - ID to be used in edoc creations).

 -Updated form history functionality.  History will only update when a stage action button is activated.  Current updates are triggered onItemChange of comments box

 -Added ability to send form initiator/user a 'KFS Access Granted' notification if form is still pending KFDM setup

- the email sent will contain this information:

                        Congratulations, {First Name}

 {Last Name}

 has been given access to KFS. 

To access the Kuali Financial System, please click the following link https://kuali.uconn.edu/kfs-prd/portal.jsp

If you have trouble accessing the Kuali Financial System please call the UITS Help Center at 860-486-4357. 

For training guides and basic system information please click the following.

KFS Training

You will receive a final notification once any additional access is granted for KFS or KFDM.

KFS Reviewer comments:

{KFS Review Comments}

Security Agreement

By accessing KFS or KFDM, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions of use:

I understand that the data contained in KFS and KFDM is confidential.  The access I am requesting is for my use in performing my job duties and responsibilities. I agree that my username and password will not be shared and I am responsible for any accesses logged against my username.  In using my username and password, I will follow the policies and procedures of the University of Connecticut. I will not use another person’s username and password. For Students/Affiliates/Non-UConn Employees, access will expire one year from the date access is granted. I understand that Finance Systems reserves the right to modify and or terminate my access at any time without notice.  If I terminate employment with the University or my department, I will notify Finance Systems. These terms are subject to change without notice, at the sole discretion of the Finance Systems.

Questions, issues, or trouble with this form request?  Please contact the Enterprise Financials team through the UConn ITS HelpDesk: helpcenter@uconn.edu

-adjusted HuskyBuy reasons box to be longer (full width)

-Increased KFS Comment box size (height from 4 to 8)

-when a form is routed to the Asset Panda team, their submission/confirmation sends the form to the End stage

-also added a button for KFS Review, where we have the option to route it to the end stage when toggling asset panda

-fixed issue where 'status' was not updating correctly if form was returned to initiator

 -Add in an 'Internal Notes' comments section

 -Add another stage that isn't 'End' that Admin team can still modify

 -Reminder for forms sitting out in View Responses longer than 5 days

SADM Request

Both Apps now have a SADM Request form (under-development) with restricted access


New Form Request

-Added in a Send Reminder button to the Organizational Review Stage.  Only assigned Admin users can view the button

-Added in workflow for when an Org Approver reviews Asset Panda forms.  Any form with only Asset Panda selected will be routed directly to the End stage when submitted to System Review.

-Made Org Reviewer comments viewable in Return stage.

-Added a form history to the new submissions form.

-Added in primary affiliation field in User information


New KFS Form Request

Added in link to form upon initial form submission from initiator to org approver

Fixed a bug where the form history and User Affiliation was not transmitting to the System Review form

Updated the system selection for KFDM to 'KFDM and KFS'

Added 'Designee Emails' field to view responses page for easier mass emailing of reminders.

System Review Form

Added in 'Internal Notes' comment box.  Box is only viewable in KFS Review.  Does not appear in History.


Add in reminder if KFDM is selected, and KFDM Reporting Admin hasn't reviewed form, alert with confirmation box for confirm/cancel before finalizing form

Add in logic to alert KFS Admin if HuskyBuy access is for Affiliate User or HuskyBuy access of 'Other' has been selected


-Create withdrawal button for KFS form

-Add in logic for HBReview alert if 'Other' is selected of if affiliation is anything other than staff//professional staff/faculty

-Updated Organization field to be full width in System Review

-added hint to System Review Form ID to be more clear that this is the value to use in the KFS edoc description


-Create withdrawal button for KFS form

-Add in logic for HBReview alert if 'Other' is selected of if affiliation is anything other than staff//professional staff/faculty

-Updated Organization field to be full width in System Review

-added hint to System Review Form ID to be more clear that this is the value to use in the KFS edoc description


-Updated wording for withdraw button

-Remove comments as required for Department Head

-Added in Alert for when NetID is manually entered.  If Last Name doesn't exist onSuccess of call, Alert User to check NetID and try again.  NetID will also be cleared if invalid.

-Updated HuskyBuy selection to alert User if they are not an employee

-Review Comments are no longer required

System Review

-Updated form for Concur Role Review.  Approver roles will create a new form.


Updated form to update HuskyBuy alert function to be IE compatible.


Add erb06005 to the Asset Panda role.


Updated form to not validate NetID field under User Information.  Instead, fields will be cleared out upon completion of service call if NetID does not exist in LDAP.  This addresses the need for student worker NetIds that are longer than normal.

Added GA Requester role to HuskyBuy selection.

Added instructions for HuskyBuy selection.

Added field "UConn Org Number" to the Access Approval section.  This is the Org Number that belongs to the Access Approval Org Name selection.  This is to assist with setting up approvals, where the org number approved may be different than what is selected on the form.


System Review

Updated HuskyBuy validation for new chart.

Added chart to form.

Added color coding to HuskyBuy Review field.

New Form Request & System Review

Moved to Leap on 04/24/20

Hard coded view dashboard link in NEW SUBMISSION email notifications (System Review).

Made Initiator access read-only for Delegate Maintenance stage (for ajax calls).

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