Concur Role Request Form
5 Stages total:
Supervisor review
Department Head review
Purchasing Review
Controller Review
Concur Admin Review
*form is also sent to KFS System Review application and a new form is created for Approver role, if selected
Concur Admin
-All forms go through Purchasing/Controller stages IF Approver is selected
-Any nonapprover roles go to Concur Admin after Supervisor Department Head approve
-Skip Department Head stage if Supervisor is the Department Head
-Form can be filled out for initiator or someone else
-If Approver is selected, form must be routed to KFS Admin for table add
-If Non-Approver role is selected, form must be routed to Concur Admin
-List of roles must be provided in form for Users to select
Production Upgrade Release Notes
Live as of 10/28/2019
Updated form to fix issue where IE was not compatible with the function that was used to check for Approver role.
Updated Department Head Review - Approve - Route to Business Review button from CPO to Controller Review
-Did the same for Supervisor Review for Submit to Business Review button
Updated Controller to be Patricia Casey
-Updated form to not valid NetID field under User Information. Instead, fields will be cleared out upon completion of service call if NetID does not exist in LDAP.
-Updated form to route to delegates (President) if needed
-Added a listener for the Supervisor Review Web Service Call to check to see if the supervisor and department head are the same.
-Updated email routing for the interim solution with skipping CPO review and going to the Controller.
-added a new check for supervisor vs department head. Since delegates could potentially be used, new code has been added to check for if the designee is the same as the supervisor.
//onItemChange of designee table
var reviewerNetId = [];
var table = BO.F_DesigneeTable;
for (var i = 0; i < table.getLength(); i++) {
BO.F_supervisornetidcheck.setValue(reviewerNetId.join(", "));
//code is placed onItemChange of new field for Designee NetIds
value = BO.F_supervisornetidcheck.getValue()
SupervisorNetId = BO.F_SupervisorNetId.getValue()
if (value.indexOf(SupervisorNetId) !== -1) {
else { BO.F_SupervisorException.setValue(false)
Migrated to Leap.
(not in production)
Updated Controller approval to check for approve or deny before creating new form in System Review App. If Deny, no form is created.