Travel Card Request - Student (University Expense Card Request)

Travel Card Request - Student (University Expense Card Request)

-Uses the same form in the App for 'University Expense Card Request'

-Forms are auto-created from a file we get from Concur.

-Form utilizes flags for DBC/Travel Card to show/hide correct fields when needed.  This includes on ST_Start and through the various DBC and Travel Card stages.

Use Case (happy path)

  1. New form auto-created for each user from Concur .csv file
    1.  (Elements: First Name, Last Name, User Email, Spend Limit, Declining Balance Begin Date, Declining Balance End Date, User Net Id, DBC Flag, Employee Id)
  2. DBC User (student) receives email notification to complete form.
  3. DBC User completes form.
  4. Expense Card Admin group receives notification of submitted form.
  5. Expense Card Admin Approves form.
  6. DBC User receives notification of approval and link to form.
  7. Expense Card Admin transmits form.  Form is created in export report.
  8. Expense Card Admin Exports the data into Excel.




Import file into KFS from Concur:

Student Approved Requests.txt


KPS-1200 - Getting issue details... STATUS

KPS-1283 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Testing prior to Production.

  • Create/receive a student file from Concur. (see attached sample in JIRA KPS-1200)
    • Note that any email address in the file will receive an email from the LEAP workflow.
    • Ensure the filename matches the prefix within the CONCUR_DBC_EXTRACT_PREFIX  parameter
  • Log into KFS-YE environment
  • Navigate to Administration tab.
    • Select Special Batch File Upload under Batch/Scheduled Jobs
    • Make sure to pick the concur/originEntry from dropdown.
    • Browse for DBC file. and submit.
  • Navigate to Administration Tab
  • Select Schedule under Batch/Scheduled Jobs
  • Execute the decliningBalanceCardJob in KFS-CONCUR Namespace.

When running multiple tests, make sure that the filename used is different than the last test. The coding will NOT process a file that has already been processed.


FTP site file name: Student_Approved_Requests_POC__159853324902774.csv.pgp

DBC Parameter: CONCUR_DBC_EXTRACT_PREFIX  = “Student_Approved_Requests”

Job that picks up file is decliningBalanceCardJob.  can be run manually.  This will run after the travelerExportJob daily.

When the job runs, it will ignore any previously run files.  to re-run a file, rename the .txt file first and then re-upload using the special batch upload process.

JSON sent to LEAP example:

	"pressedButton": "S_CrtDbcReq",
	"flowState": "ST_Start",
	"F_UserFirstName": "James",
	"F_UserEmailAddress": "klaben@uconn.edu",
	"F_DbcFlag": "true",
	"F_EmployeeId": "000001",
	"F_UserNetId": "jtk17003",
	"F_DecBalEndDat": "11/20/2019",
	"F_DecBalBegDat": "11/17/2019",
	"F_SpendLimit": "800",
	"F_UserLastName": "Klaben"

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