Travel Card Request - Employee (University Expense Card Request)

Travel Card Request - Employee (University Expense Card Request)

Important Info

Whenever a new person is assigned as President for UConn, the President's NetID needs updating under event onItemChange of F_supervisornetidcheck.  Currently this is set to ram10007.  This is so that any employees directly reporting to the president will always go to the president's delegate for supervisor review.

Screenshot of NetID:

To update the delegate for the President's Office use the Administration Tab within the Responses section of the app.

Diagram Overview

Instructions for Business Services: 

Field Mapping and requirements:

Business Requirements:

Only the User in need of a card can initiate and submit the form

Supervisor needs to approve

Department head needs to approve

Card Admin Group needs to approve

Data needs to be able to be exported (this is possible in a module called View Responses)

Specific fields needed (as provided in PPT)

Supervisor information should auto return via web service

User must 'I agree' to agreement

-After the Card Admin Group approves and the form is in the Final stage, what action is needed? – A report needs to be sent to Nancy/Elise with the requested card information in the JPMC format.  There should be a step for “sent for processing” and then Nancy/Elise will flip it to “Completed” after they upload said report.

-Who should be in the Card Admin Group? – Nancy Patrylak and Elise Fiorentino

Specific Logic/Rules in form:

  • Web Service (LDAP) is used to return initial employee information (netid, name, email, org, phone number)
  • Web service logic (new web service built specifically for this), inputs Employee NetID to RPM table to return Employee info from Core(not LDAP) and supervisor netid,name,email.
    • If employee does not have a supervisor, look up next level Org and return approver for that Org
    • If no supervisor exists, form will return an error to contact card admin administration

-If supervisor and department head are the same, only 1 approval is required from that person

-Certain fields will appear depending on if the request is new or an update(see conditional requirements below)

-Form will story a history of all stage actions taken (user submits form, supervisor approves, dep. Head approves, card admin approves)

-form currently gives the option to change department and department head for the 'Department' reviewer.  Some users may not be assigned to a department but may have a supervisor (affiliates/students). – Can we talk about this?

-if Department head is the User submitting the form, the department head approver will route to the next level org and pull in the next level Department head

Updates to the form since inception

7/25/2019 Updates to Form

  • Update Account Holder Type to be read-only and default to Individual
  • Remove Expense Type field
  • Update Comments field required on Update requests
  • Spend Limit ($USD) re-labeled to Monthly Cycle Spend Limit on New requests
    • Update requests: label is changed to 'New Monthly Cycle Spend Limit'
    • Update requests: enable this field to be editable
    • New requests: set this field dependent on standard/frequent and mark as read-only
  • Monthly Cycle Spend Limit is less than 5,000 for Standard and less than 10,000 for Frequent
    • Value is set dependent on Card Limit
  • Single Transaction Limit is always 4999 and read-only
  • Update Cycle Limit to Transactions Per a Cycle
    • 'New Transactions Per a Cycle' for Updates
    • Made Card Limit *required
    • Update requests: changes to 'New Card Limit'
  • Add Daily Transaction Limit field and set as always 20.  read-only.
  • Add Default Level 1 Hierarchy field and set as always 10385.  read-only, hidden.
  • Add Agent Number field and set as always 5402.  read-only, hidden.
  • Remove Country/Building from address information.
  • Update verbiages to remove T-Card and replace with Travel Card
  • Update alerts upon form submission for verbiage 'Your card request has been submitted'
  • Update Card Limit to be editable in Supervisor and Department Head review stages
  • Added in ability to attach documents to form (for SABA certificate).
  • Added in functionality to check if User has completed SABA training. (where to store list of NetIDs is TBD)
    • if not, User is alerted of link to sign up for training (need exact link)


-Updated form title to: 'UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CARD'

-Updated various grammar items

-Removed edit button for access approval updating

-Updated Transactions Per Cycle to be read-only when submitting.  Can still be updated by Card Admin.

-Monthly Cycle Spend Limit updated to 5,000 (from 4,999) for Standard and 10,000 (from 9,999) for Frequent

-Attachment for SABA certificate is required.

-Updated contact information for Help to huskybuysupport@uconn.edu and updated wording

-Dialog box will show with each new form for SABA certificate training and reminder to attach certificate to form.

  • future functionality is to call SABA API for checking to see if user completed training.  If not, user cannot complete form and is provided with a link to sign up and complete training.  Certificate will not be needed or required with API. (*TBD*)
  • current functionality includes a reminder to complete training and to also attach certificate to form.

-dialog box will appear for Affiliate users(Primary Affiliation = Univ Affiliated Employee) or users with no Org information.  Access to form is denied and User is provided with an explanation with contact info for questions.

-hid other fields not required on form submission


  • Attached is an update version of the email language.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • The MCC group should say: TCARD for the name with an action of Include
  • The link to SABA is still pending as it is not published for production yet – but if you need a place holder, this is the link to the UAT version.



-In Card Admin stage - comment should only be required on a Deny

-Remove Read access for Users in department head, supervisor, and card admin review

-Update link in report Submit creation email to be link from production

-Update name in Travel Card Holder Agreement to be refreshed with each stage

-Added an extra blank space after 'Agent Number' in the Export Data Report to align with validation workbook

-Updated SABA Training link to Live URL and updated display text to 'Travel Card Training Link' https://uconnsb-storrs.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/NA1TNB0103/common/leclassview/dowbt000000000011762


-Updated Agent Number to 5581


Updated Mobile phone field to update if it does not match Business Phone field

Add in Transferred? Field to determine if record has been transmitted to Report yet, or not.


Added MCC Group 2(Value: TCARD1) and MCC Group 2 Action (VALUE: Include) fields to form.

Added 'Spend Limit' and 'Single Amount Limit' string fields to the form.  These fields are sent to the report instead of the currency fields that are visible to the requester on the form.


-Updated form to not validate NetID field under User Information.  Instead, fields will be cleared out upon completion of service call if NetID does not exist in LDAP.

-updated redirect URL for when Users do not have supervisors.  URL on Procurement site was changed.

-added a new check for supervisor vs department head.  Since delegates could potentially be used, new code has been added to check for if the designee is the same as the supervisor.  

//onItemChange of designee table

var reviewerNetId = [];

var table = BO.F_DesigneeTable;
for (var i = 0; i < table.getLength(); i++) {


BO.F_supervisornetidcheck.setValue(reviewerNetId.join(", "));

//code is placed onItemChange of new field for Designee NetIds

value = BO.F_supervisornetidcheck.getValue()
SupervisorNetId = BO.F_SupervisorNetId.getValue()

if (value.indexOf(SupervisorNetId) !== -1) {
else { BO.F_SupervisorException.setValue(false)


Updated Attestation


Updated initiator to have read access in Delegate maintenance stage (for ajax calls in case delegates are used).


Added new form for giving departments the ability to see who has requested access to Travel Cards.


Updated Department Lookup query to include new service.  Service will return requests directly under the Org # entered and also requests that report up to the entered org directly or indirectly.


Added SABA training link to email sent to new user.

Hid Report section on DBC Initiate stage.


Updated legal language for DBC and Travel Card agreement.

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