USDP Application
Changes and Updates
-Added syntax for call to new service that fills PDF
-Modified PDF formatting for border and alignment of SBME box along with other misc changes
-Added Date, Number/Currency, and Percent formatting for PDF printing.
-Commented out the alert for the beanJSON(for the new dialogue box window)
-Cleaned up syntax overall syntax
-Updated name of PDF downloaded to format: "PaymentStatusReport" + "_" + obj.companyName + "_" + obj.monthEnding +".pdf"
-Added a dialogue box for confirming the download
-Added instructions to the page and confirm dialogue box
-Adjusted PDF form fields and text for alignment.
-Added page numbers to all pages and initials to Page 2 and up.
-Updated instructions for further clarification with PDF download/submission and web form submission.
-Added field validation rules to prevent premature PDF generation without required fields.
-Added a check for the Stage action buttons to confirm the PDF is downloaded prior to the web form being submitted.
-Added form storage for uploading signed and initialed PDFs
-updated email notifications to include PDFs
-updated instructions for modified process
-Added additional logic to prevent unfinished PDF downloads or form submission
-Project now includes two new fields: Project Manager Name and Project Manager Email.
-The project manager email is sent a notification when a payment status report is submitted for a particular project.
-added project manager name and email to the Payment Status form.
Update code so that contractor can select their own name for 'Sub-Tier To' (Payer) field in table.
Contractor will not be able to add their own name into Sub-Tier.
User will not be able to add a Non-SMBE company into the Sub-Tier field.
Below would be needed, but is commented out, if in case a non-smbe would be added into the Sub-Tier field.
Balance Adjustment will only and calculate when contractor is an SMBE and not a non-SMBE.
- This is to avoid UConn double dipping with payments to SMBEs, as they are paid through other system.
Field Mapping for PDF
PDF Field Name | var | Leap var (use var column instead) | Leap Field ID | Leap Field Title | |
1 | Month Ending | monthEnding | monthEndCalYear | F_MonthEndCalYear | Combined Month Ending and Calendar Year |
2 | Contractor Name | companyName | contractorName | F_ContractorName | General Contractor Name |
3 | Project Name | projectName | projectName | F_ProjectName | Project Name |
4 | Awarding Agency Name | awardingAgencyName | contractAwardAgency | F_ContractAwardAgency | F_ContractAwardAgency |
5 | Project Number | projectNumber | projectNumber | F_ProjectNumber | Project Number |
6 | Is Contractor an S/MBE? What is DAS Class? | smbe | vendorCertClass | F_VendorCertClass | Certification Class |
7 | Actual Project Mobilization Date | mobilizationDate | mobilizationDate | F_MobilizationDate | Actual Project Mobilization Date |
8 | Project Value | projectValue | projectValue | F_ProjectValue | Project Value |
9 | Percent Completed to Date | percentComplete | percentCompleteToDate | F_PercentCompleteToDate | Percent Completed To Date |
10 | Is this a FINAL Report? | finalReport | isFinalReport | F_IsFinalReport | Is This a Final Report? |
11 | Estimated Completion Date | completionDate | estCompletionDate | F_EstCompletionDate | Estimated Completion Date |
12 | Report Entry Date | reportEntryDate | reportEntryDate | F_ReportEntryDate | Report Entry Date |
13 | Printed Name and Printed Title of Person Signing | printedAuthorizedSignature | signerName | F_SignerName | Signer Name & Title |
14 | Month Ending | Same as above | monthEndCalYearBottom | F_MonthEndCalYear | Combined Month Ending and Calendar Year |
15 | Contractor Name | Same as above | contractorNameBottom | F_ContractorName | General Contractor Name |
16 | Project Name | Same as above | projectNameBottom | F_ProjectName | Project Name |
17 | Project Number | Same as above | projectNumberBottom | F_ProjectNumber | Project Number |
18 | S/MBE Contractor Textbox | TBD | smbeTableAsText | F_SmbeTableAsText | SMBE Table As Text |
19 | S/MBE Contractor Name | contractorName | F_SubtierCompany | Sub-Tier Company | |
20 | DAS Class | dasClass | F_SubtierDasClass | DAS Class | |
21 | Total Contract Amount | totalContractAmount | F_TotalContractAmount | Total Contract Amount | |
22 | Total Payment this Month | totalPaymentThisMonth | F_TotalMonthlyPayment | Total Payment this Month | |
23 | Total Payment to Date | totalPaymentToDate | F_TotalPaymentToDate | Total Payment to Date | |
24 | Page Numbers #1 and #2 | **generated from Process** | |||
25 | Initials | **physically filled by person submitting form** |
//Confirm dialogue box after clicking button to create and return PDF
app.getSharedData().downloadPdfConfirm = function() {
require(["dijit/Dialog", "dijit/form/Button", "dojo/domReady!"], function (Dialog,Button) {
var button = new Button({ label: "OK" });
button.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left:300px;margin-top:10px;');
button.setAttribute('class', 'lfFormActionSubmitBtn');
button.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
waitDialog = new Dialog({
title : "USDP Status Report PDF Download",
content : "Your Status Report PDF is now being generated. You should receive it within a few seconds through your browser. <br><br> After successfully downloading the PDF, click the Submit Status Report button at the bottom of the web page to finalize the web form.",
style : "width: 400px;font-size:11pt;"
button.on("click", function(event) {
// location.replace("");
jQuery(".dijitDialogCloseIcon").css("display", "none");
//Syntax for generating PDF
app.getSharedData().FillPdfUrl = '';
//create function for mapping fields within object and array for textbox
app.getSharedData().FillPdf = function() {
var form = app.getForm('F_StatusReport');
var theBO = form.getBO();
var ajaxResult = '';
var beanJSON;
var obj = {};
obj.monthEnding = theBO.F_MonthEndCalYear.getValue();
obj.companyName = theBO.F_ContractorName.getValue();
obj.projectName = theBO.F_ProjectName.getValue();
obj.awardingAgencyName = theBO.F_ContractAwardAgency.getValue();
obj.projectNumber = theBO.F_ProjectNumber.getValue();
obj.smbe = theBO.F_VendorCertClass.getValue();
if(theBO.F_MobilizationDate.getValue() !== ""){
obj.mobilizationDate = theBO.F_MobilizationDate.getValue().toISOString().substring(0, 10)};
if(theBO.F_ProjectValue.getValue() !== ""){
obj.projectValue = '$' + theBO.F_ProjectValue.getValue().toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,')};
// obj.percentComplete = Number(theBO.F_PercentCompleteToDate.getValue()/100).toLocaleString(undefined,{style: 'percent', minimumFractionDigits:2});
if(theBO.F_PercentCompleteToDate.getValue() !== ""){
obj.percentComplete = theBO.F_PercentCompleteToDate.getValue().toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') + '%'};
obj.finalReport = theBO.F_IsFinalReport.getValue();
if(theBO.F_EstCompletionDate.getValue() !== ""){
obj.completionDate = theBO.F_EstCompletionDate.getValue().toISOString().substring(0, 10)};
if(theBO.F_ReportEntryDate.getValue() !== ""){
obj.reportEntryDate = theBO.F_ReportEntryDate.getValue().toISOString().substring(0, 10)};
obj.printedAuthorizedSignature = theBO.F_SignerName.getValue();
var table = app.getForm('F_StatusReport').getBO().F_SMBECTable;
//set textbox values with array
var paymentDetails = [];
var p;
var tblRow = null;
for(var i = 0; i < table.getLength(); i++) {
tblRow = table.get(i);
var company = get(tblRow , 'F_SubtierCompany').getValue();
var dasCode = get(tblRow , 'F_SubtierDasClass').getValue();
var contractAmount = get(tblRow , 'F_TotalContractAmount').getValue().toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
var monthlyPayment = get(tblRow , 'F_TotalMonthlyPayment').getValue().toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
var paymentToDate = get(tblRow , 'F_TotalPaymentToDate').getValue().toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
// var contractAmount = get(tblRow , 'F_TotalContractAmount').getValue().toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,');
// var monthlyPayment = get(tblRow , 'F_TotalMonthlyPayment').getValue().toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,');
// var paymentToDate = get(tblRow , 'F_TotalPaymentToDate').getValue().toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,');
"contractorName" : company ,
"dasClass" : dasCode,
"totalContractAmount" : contractAmount,
"totalPaymentThisMonth" : monthlyPayment,
"totalPaymentToDate" : paymentToDate
obj.paymentDetails = paymentDetails;
beanJSON = JSON.stringify(obj);
//attempt call without ajax. Ajax can have issues with binary returns.
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", app.getSharedData().FillPdfUrl, true);
req.responseType = "blob";
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
req.onload = function (event) {
var blob = req.response;
var link=document.createElement('a');
link.href=window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); "PaymentStatusReport" + "_" + obj.companyName + "_" + obj.monthEnding +".pdf";;
//load external css
dojo.query("head").append('<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">');
//load uconn cookie js
dojo.ready(function() {{
url: ""
app.getSharedData().showOkDialogBox = function(title,content) {
require(["dijit/Dialog", "dijit/form/Button", "dojo/domReady!"], function (Dialog,Button) {
var okButton = new Button({ label: "OK" });
okButton.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left:370px;margin-top:10px;');
okButton.setAttribute('tabindex', '1');
genDialog = new Dialog({
title : title,
content : content,
style : "width: 470px;font-size:11pt;"
okButton.on("click", function(event) {
app.getSharedData().restUrls = {
"baseInfo": {"protocol":window.location.protocol,"host","format":"json","appId":app.getUID(),"contextRoot":app.getSharedData().RegionUtils.contextRoot()},
"addCertifiedCompany": function(params) {
var template = "{protocol}//{host}/{contextRoot}/secure/org/data/{appId}/F_CertifiedCompany?format=application/{format}&freedomIdentifyKey={freedomIdentifyKey}";
return app.getSharedData().StringUtils.stringFormat(template, $.extend(params,this.baseInfo));
app.getSharedData().getDasCodeByDasText = function(dasText) {
var tVal = dasText.replace(/\s+/g,"");
if (tVal === "MBE" || tVal === "MBENone") return "MBE";
if (tVal === "SBE" || tVal === "SBENone") return "SBE";
var map = {
var value = map[tVal.substring(3)];
if (value !== "") return value;
if (value === "") return "?";
app.getSharedData().createYearSelectOptions = function(year,floor,ceil,isDesc=0) {
var options = [];
for (var i = year - floor; i <= year + ceil; i++) {
if (isDesc) {
options.sort(function(a,b) {
return a.title + b.title;
return options;
/* onClick of Button for PDF download */
var monthEnding = BO.F_MonthEndCalYear.getValue();
var companyName = BO.F_ContractorName.getValue();
var projectName = BO.F_ProjectName.getValue();
var awardingAgencyName = BO.F_ContractAwardAgency.getValue();
var projectNumber = BO.F_ProjectNumber.getValue();
var smbe = BO.F_VendorCertClass.getValue();
var mobilizationDate = BO.F_MobilizationDate.getValue();
var projectValue = BO.F_ProjectValue.getValue();
var percentComplete = BO.F_PercentCompleteToDate.getValue();
var finalReport = BO.F_IsFinalReport.getValue();
var completionDate = BO.F_EstCompletionDate.getValue();
var reportEntryDate = BO.F_ReportEntryDate.getValue();
var printedAuthorizedSignature = BO.F_SignerName.getValue();
var smbeTableAsText = BO.F_SmbeTableAsText.getValue();
//errors with these 2 rows
var result = app.getSharedData().FillPdf();
//var json_obj = JSON.parse(result);
//From returning LDAP search, not sure if parts of this need to be used
var tbl = BO.F_firstlastsrchresults;
tbl.setValue(new Array()); //clear table
for (var i = 0; i < json_obj.length; i++){
var row = json_obj[i];
var person = app.getSharedData().LdapSearchByCriteriaResult();
var newRow = tbl.createNew();
// var newCols = newRow.getChildren();
get(newRow, 'F_srchfirstname').setValue(person.firstName);
get(newRow, 'F_SrchLastname').setValue(person.lastName);
get(newRow, 'F_Srchtblenetid').setValue(person.netId);
get(newRow, 'F_srchtblorg').setValue(person.deptName);
get(newRow, 'F_srchtblemail').setValue(;
get(newRow, 'F_srchtblphone').setValue(person.phoneNumber);