Kuali Cloud Internal test 2-Access Security

Kuali Cloud Internal test 2-Access Security

Administration > System > IdentityeDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToJIRAComplete?


-Review Person function layout, tabs, drop down menu

-Search old, new users, each criteria: Principal Name, Principle Id, Entity ID, First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, with and without using wild card *, check sort result ascending and descending

Note: per Brett, we don't use Delegate
-Add permissions including affiliations, groups, roles, dates. 

-Update permissions including affiliations,groups, roles, dates. 

-Remove permissions including groups, roles, dates. 

-Adhoc FYI to a person

-Test Submit, Save, Blanket Approve, Close, Cancel 

-Tested several access requests from web access queue and all processed successfully.


Yes (11/21/2023)

-Review Group function layout, tabs, drop down menu

-Search Group Criteria: Group Id, Group Namespace, Group Name, Group Description, Group Type, Active, Inactive, All, with and without using wild card *, check sort result ascending and descending

-Add new group including dates.

  • assign users to the new group.
  • assign the new group to a role.
  • if not sure how to do the above, look at the year end drop down groups like 10491-YE Accounting (Year End Accounting Group for Post back).

    -Update group including descriptions, dates. 

-Remove group, users, dates. 

-Adhoc FYI to a person

-Tested several access requests from web access queue and all processed successfully.

-Test Submit, Save, Blanket Approve, Close, Cancel 

SteveNoticed the search Criteria is different.

-Review Role function layout, tabs, drop down menu

-Search Role Criteria: Group Id, Group Namespace, Group Name, Group Description, Group Type, Active, Inactive, All, with and without using wild card *, check sort result ascending and descending

-Add new group including dates.

  • assign users to the new group.
  • assign the new group to a role.
  • if not sure how to do the above, look at the year end drop down groups like 10491-YE Accounting (Year End Accounting Group for Post back).

    -Update group including descriptions, dates. 

-Remove group, users, dates. 

-Adhoc FYI to a person

-Tested several access requests from web access queue and all processed successfully.

-Test Submit, Save, Blanket Approve, Close, Cancel 



Remove Old rolesRole81

Role 81 - Budget Construction has been discontinued yet many users retain access in their profiles.  To prevent any issues with Kuali Cloud access, this access must be removed.

3/8/2024 script tested in UAT, pending Rich to update the  script in production.


Y 3/8/2024

Search Permission, Create new permission 

View created persmission edoc

Searched, viewed, created Permission ok

1/26/2024 - Tested - create, copy, edit, deactivate all submitted successfully but the Responsibility Details data is missing when tryting to edit, copy or deactive a responsibility. Also, Responsibility Name with an underscore character gives error. When search by Principal Name or Group Name both fail with Incident Report error. Created Jira FinUConn 666.

tested copy, edit, deactivate.  INVR account node reviewer 1/26 Steve - Created New>Went to Inactivate>Blanket Approve>Document Type Name and Route Node Name are now required when they were not required during the time of creation.

FINUCONN-672  Scenario 1 – Create a new Responsibility, e-doc went Final, but Responsibility Details data are missing

FINUCONN-675  Scenario 2 - Unable to deactivate an existing responsibility

FINUCONN-676  Scenario 3 - Responsibility Name error - (Steve - This is happening today in base and is not a bug and will not be fixed per the ticket)

FINUCONN-677  Scenario 4 - Copy a Responsibility is not functioning

FINUCONN-678  Scenario 5 –  Search Responsibility search by Principal Name causes an error

FINUCONN-679  Scenario 6 - Responsibility Search by Group Name causes an error


Heather Elyea February 14, 2024 at 9:02 AM

issues fixed via linked tickets





FINUCONN-678  determined to be base issue

fixed by FINP-10716, deployed on 2/21/24

ready to retest. (bruce)


determined to be base issue

fixed by FINP-10717, deployed on 2/21/24

ready to retest. (bruce)


Y 2/20/2024

 Y 2/20/2024

Y 2/21/2024 - Not an issue

Y 2/20/2024

Y 2/27/2024

Y 2/27/2024

Administration > System > Access SecurityeDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToJIRAComplete?

Security Attribute

count matches PRD, lookup works
1/31/2024 Search with and without wild card, Search Inactive, Search All, Edit, Inactivate attribute, all pass



complete 11/15/23

Y 1/31/2024

Security Definition

1/31/2024 Search Definition with and without wild card, Search Inactive, Search All, Search with Attribute ID, Edit, Copy, Inactivate Definition, all pass  


Y 1/31/2024

Set up a new model for a security group. All went ok.
Search, Edit, Copy all working fine. 


Y 2/26/2024


lookup works


complete 11/15/23

Administration > System > LocationseDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToJIRAComplete?

Tested search criteria. Able to edit and copy.

Yes (11/21/2023)

Tested search criteria. Able to edit and copy.

Yes (11/21/2023)
Tested search criteria. Able to edit and copy.Alton
Yes (11/21/2023)

Tested search criteria. Able to edit and copy.

Searching using State Name does not work. - Confirmed same in production

Yes (1/8/2024)
Administration > System > Identity Management ReferenceeDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToJIRAComplete?

NOTE:  on all the below "Type" and "Status" maintenance functions, do not change existing types.  Create a new type, approve it, then edit it to test both the create and edit functions.  This way we will not inadvertently mess up existing data that are using the existing types.  (bruce)

Address Type
Tested search criteria. Able to edit and copy.Micah
Complete 12/19/2023
Campus Type
Tested search criteria. Able to edit and copy.Micah
Complete 12/19/2023
Phone Type


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