UConn Escheatment: Finance Systems Tasks

Bank01 – Used for Student Refund Activity:

  1. Accounting Department tells Finance Systems what calendar year is to be escheated.  This value is placed in the C9621S0A control card. The format is CCYY in columns 1 through 4.
  2. Once C9621S0A is updated, J9621S01 is scheduled and will produce a file and report containing check numbers and amounts that are to be escheated, as well as a data file that is used to “clear” checks from FRS. These files are sent to the reader of ACTADM23.  This job is an “S” job and may be scheduled to execute during the day. 
  3. Accounting and the Bursar’s Office review the report produced by J9621S01.        
  4. After the report has been reviewed and approved, the Bursar’s Office runs processes that add SA-Student Financials information to the FRS extract, creating a final Excel spreadsheet containing Bank 01 escheatment data that is then sent to Finance Systems for further processing.
  5. Finance Systems then imports this data file into the HRS PRO PC Application for formatting.  The HRS PRO output data file is then written to a CD to be sent to the State. The disk is given to Accounting for mailing.
  6. Any deletions that need to be made are reported to Finance Systems via an Excel spreadsheet.  Finance Systems then produces a delete file on ACTADM23, which will consist of all checks that need to be removed from BANK01.  The file will be in the format of check #, check amount and clear date, which is the current date in the CCYYMMDD format. This file is then appended under the header line of C9621M0A control card.  Finance Systems then requests Scheduling to update the card in Production.
  7. Once the C9621M0A control card is updated, Finance Systems schedules J9621M03 to remove the checks marked for clearing.      
  8. The next day screen 114 in FRS can be viewed to verify that the checks have cleared.  The “Recon” column will show a ‘1’ if the check has been cleared.

 All Other Banks (04, 15, 16, 17, 18):

  1.  Accounting Department tells Finance Systems what years are to be escheated.  This value is placed in the C9621S1A control card.  This should be the same as the control card for Bank01.
  2. Once C9621S1A is updated, J9621S11 is scheduled to create the escheatment extract and a report for Accounting to review. This job can run as often as needed to get a final file.
  3. Once the final J9621S11 has run, UITS-Scheduling is asked to schedule J9621R12, which will produce output files on the reader list of ACTADM23.  These files include the final Escheatment data file that is imported into the HRS PRO PC Application for formatting.  The HRS PRO output data file is then written to a CD to be sent to the State.  The disk is given to Accounting for mailing.
  4. There will also be a data file for each bank, which contains check numbers and amounts that are to be “cleared” from FRS.  There will NOT be a data file for any bank that does NOT have checks to be escheated for the period requested.  These data files are sent to the reader of ACTADM23.
  5. After the report has been reviewed by Accounting and approved for deletion, Finance Systems will edit the “check clear” files to update the current date in the CCYYMMDD format. These files are then appended to the corresponding control card for each bank represented.  The control cards are as follows:                       

    C9621M04          BANK04
    C9621M15          BANK15
    C9621M16          BANK16
    C9621M17          BANK17
    C9621M18          BANK18


A sample of the Bank04 control card is shown below.  Notice that it is seup the same way as the Bank01control card; i.e. check #, amount, and clear date order.  The remaining bank control cards are formatted the same way. 

00000 * * * Top of File * * *


00002 0443030000001500020070330

00003 0444250000000082020070330

00004 0444280000000018820070330

00005 0463650000001250020070330

00006 0464590000000133420070330

00007 0464600000000016120070330

00008 0464660000000127320070330

00009 * * * End of File * * *


6.  Once the necessary      control cards are updated, the corresponding job is run.  Only jobs that are associated with banks that have checks to be “cleared” from FRS should  be run.  The jobs are as follows:                              

J9621M04          BANK04

J9621M15          BANK15

        J9621M16          BANK16

        J9621M17          BANK17

        J9621M18          BANK18

7.  The next day screen 114 in FRS can be viewed to verify that the checks have cleared.  The “Recon” column will show a ‘1’ if the check has been cleared.

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