HuskyBuy Misc Notes


MISC Notes:

Purchase something that’s not on Husky Buy you can use your pro card or a non-catalog goods/services form, but you can never buy from eBay


  • Anything that has to go through EH&S should not be going through goods and services

  • Will you own the work produced by the vendor? Almost always yes

  • Will the vendor have access to confidential information? Referring to information that is confidential to UConn -> usually answer “no”

  • Once you complete the Non-catalog Goods and Services form, it will automatically become an item in your cart if it is less than $2,500 and PO will get sent straight to vendor (not seen by purchasing or any FO unless it is on a GRANT account, then grant account FO will have to approve)

  • Requisition (for quotes only) -> PO -> invoice to Accounts Payable

  • Suppliers are responsible for invoices

  • DV is needed if you are given receipts for reimbursements, receipts cannot go directly to AP from supplier

  • For non-UConn employees, reimbursements need to be completed through Husky Buy

Unauthorized Purchases

  • Purchasing does not like creating a PO after something already happened. For instance, if a speaker visits and you begin the process of the reimbursement after they leave, there are certain rules to follow:

    • Set up PO for an individual beforehand if it is more than $2,500, if not a DV is what is complete

    • You can do DVs after the fact without a problem

  • A DV is saying “I’m going to pay this person this much for doing this”, if it is less than $2,500. It still creates a Purchase Order in Husky Buy but it is merely “an item in your cart” technically

  • DVs are easier because they do not require an invoice, however, you can still complete a PO if it is under $2,500 but you will have to send an invoice to AP or it won’t pay out

  • Purchasing does not see it if is less than $2,500

  • Can you split costs into 2 DVs if the amount is over $2,500? For example, split up honorarium and travel reimbursement into 2 DVs? Yes if they are two different reason codes (Ex: O – hotel, lodging; M – services rendered)

  • In a DV you can see when the amount has been paid out:

    • Husky Buy- on the Invoice, under the payment information there is a payment method, accounting date, and disbursement date (As well as check number)

    • Kuali – go into the edoc, scroll down to Pre-Disbursement Processor Status, click “Show” the info will be all there including when the payment was extracted and when it was paid

Supplier Changes

  • When supplier information changes, it is similar to setting up a new supplier

  • In company information, where it says “business purpose for adding vendor”, click “edit current supplier” in the drop down menu

  • For an honorarium and reimbursement, you can say “purchase of goods/services” in the drop down menu for the “business purpose for adding vendor” question

  • Call HuskyBuy (6-2289) for assistance rather than Purchasing

  • Edit a current supplier when they move locations or if their tax information changes

Vendor to Rent Tables & Chairs for Events

  • UConn Central Stores is not allowing for anyone to rent tables and chairs for ‘in house’ purposes anymore.

  • The new and approved vendor for this purpose is Taylor Rental. Search “Beaupre Motors Inc” as the supplier name in HuskyBuy. If the request is under $10k, a quote has to be obtained.

Form fields- Sourcing

  • Sole Source Justification Form - should include why this product is needed.

    • Reasoning may include what makes the product unique (ex. Capabilities, features) and/or availability (may not be available from other vendors) etc.

    • If something can be done by another company, but you want one specific one due to its relationship to whatever is being done (i.e. Company X created this machine, I want them to fix it even though technically Company Y does the same kinds of repairs, I want Company X to work on their own machine).

    • If cost is the justification, please attach 3 comparable quotes to support this

  • If it is over $25,000 it has to be a Sole Source

    • If you intend on spending over 25K on any non-contracted supplier, you must do a sole source justification

  • Is this purchase federally funded?

    • NO if funded by 2 or 4 ledger accounts

    • For 5/6 ledger grant accounts, you can check whether or not it is federally funded by looking up the account in Kuali

  • search by account number




  • Drill down into the account number after you search it, scroll all the way to the bottom, where you see “Uconn Contracts and Grants” tab to see if it is Federally Funded, FF:

  • The Public Bid portion is filled out by purchasing



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