Sponsorships for Events
Requisitions of sponsorships must include:
Quote outlining the details of the sponsorship (including cost, time period, deliverables, etc.) in order to ensure there is a record of the agreement between your office and the organization/vendor. Some vendors (e.g. conferences) have a website explaining sponsorship levels and the associated deliverables. A screenshot of this may be included with a quote to outline deliverables. This is so we have the proper documentation of what is being procured. Details are often lacking.
** Please note that tickets, seats, and meals to an event are not acceptable line items as sponsorship deliverables. They cannot have an assigned value. Vendors sometimes offer them as a value-added option, but the sponsorship benefits cannot rely on tickets/seats/meals.
Approval by a dean, VP, provost (or their authorized delegates), or the president (per Sponsorship policy)
Documentation or a statement explaining the business purpose of the sponsorship, including its anticipated benefit to the University (per Sponsorship policy)
All creative and branding for the sponsorship must be sent to University Communications for review before it is sent to the organization/vendor.
As an FYI, departments are allowed sponsor student organizations