Using Peer Review in Ultra Course View

This article is intended for instructors looking to use Peer Review for Assignments in Ultra.

For Original Course View, refer to:


If enabled, Peer review allows learners to provide anonymous assignment feedback to their peers.

  • Anonymous peer feedback is delivered along with the instructor’s score and feedback.

  • Once enabled, the assignment will have a submission window and a peer review window.

  • Peer feedback can be hidden by the instructor if necessary.

  • Peer feedback is anonymous:

    • Submitters will never see the names of reviewers;

    • If submitters don’t include their names on their submissions, reviewers also won’t see the name of the submitter.

    • Instructors/TAs will see the names of everyone.

Setting up a Peer Review Assignment

  1. In your Ultra course, create an Assignment. For instructions see: Creating Assignments in Ultra.

  2. Once created, click the gear icon to open the Assignment Settings.

  3. Under the Evaluation options, check the Peer review box, then click Select peer settings.

  4. From the Peer review Settings, you can set.

    1. Reviews Per Student: The number of submissions each student is assigned to review. By default, these reviews will be shown to students when grades are posted. It is possible for a submission to receive more than this number of reviews, and by default those additional reviews are hidden from students. Submissions are assigned for review randomly and automatically, further a student may be assigned to review their own submission.

    2. Assessment Due Date: The date after which new submissions are marked as Late. Late submissions are still accepted, and placed into a pool at the time of submission. Students who begin their reviews after this submission are eligible to review the late submission.

    3. Peer Review Due Date: The final date by which Peer Reviews must be submitted.

  5. Click Save to save and exit the Peer Review settings window.

  6. Click Save to save and exit the Assignment settings window.

Using Peer Review for Assignments

  • Like other assessments, a linked Gradebook column is created when the assignment is created. This column is for the instructor’s grade of the assignment submission.

  • A rubric can be used for instructor/TA grading, however Peer reviewers cannot view/use this rubric for their peer review.

  • To provide criteria or questions to guide Peer reviewer feedback, you can include those in the Assignment instructions (which will be visible for students during Peer review), or an alternative location.

Grading in Peer Review

  1. Navigate to the Assignment in HuskyCT.

  2. Click on the Assignment’s name.

  3. A new window will open, click the Submissions tab in the upper right hand corner.

  4. You will see all your students' submissions.

  5. Click on the student you want to grade.

  6. A new window will open showing their submissions, the reviews they did of other students, the peer feedback they received.

  7. On the gray bar across the top of the window, just below the student’s name, you will see the grading pill, and can enter a grade for the student.

  8. Optionally, under the Feedback For Student, instructors can provide their own additional feedback. Enter the desired feedback and click Save. Both this and any peer feedback will be visible to students.

  9. As with regular Assessments, grades are not visible until they are posted. Navigate back to the Submissions tab, and click either Post on a single student, to just post their grade, or Post all grades to post grades for all students.

Hiding Peer Reviews from students

  1. Navigate to the Assignment in HuskyCT

  2. Click on the Assignment’s name.

  3. A new window will open, click the Submissions tab in the upper right hand corner.

  4. You will see all your students' submissions.

  5. Click on the student you want to hide feedback for

  6. A new window will open showing their submissions, the reviews they did of other students, the peer feedback they received.

  7. Under Feedback, look for the peer review you want to hide.

  8. Next to the name of the student who gave the review, their is a small eye.

  9. Click the eye to hide the feedback, you will see a line thought the eye indicating the feedback is hidden from the student.

For more information on Peer Review in Ultra Course View, contact Educational Technologies at or by phone at 860-486-5052, M-F 9:00am-4:00pm.