How to Delete or Allow Additional Assignment Attempts in Ultra Course View

This article is for instructors looking to delete or allow additional attempts to students on assignments in Ultra Course View.

For Original Course View, see:

In Ultra, exempting or ignoring an attempt is not possible at this time. Instructors can either delete attempts or allow additional attempts.

Deleting an Attempt

An attempt can be deleted if a student accidentally submitted early or has a valid reason to ask for the attempt to be deleted. To delete an attempt:

  1. Enter your Ultra course and click on the Gradebook tab.

  2. Click on the assignment in question.

  3. Find and click on the student’s attempt.

  4. You will be prompted with secondary confirmation for deleting the attempt. If you wish to delete that attempt select Delete.

Allowing Additional Attempts for One Student

You may want to give one student more attempts at completing an assignment. To do this:

  1. Follow the same procedure as you would for deleting an attempt (above) but after clicking the three dots on the student’s attempt, click on Add or edit exceptions instead of Delete.

  2. Find the drop down that says Attempts Allowed. From here, you can change the number of attempts for a specific student.

  3. Click Save.

Allowing Additional Attempts for All Students

You may want to give all of your students more attempts at completing an assignment. To do this,

  1. Find the Assignment in your Course Content and click on it.

  2. To the right, click on the “gear” icon for Assignment Settings.

  3. Locate Attempts Allowed under “Grading and Submissions”.

  4. Select how many attempts you want to give the students.

  5. Click Save.

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