KFS AP, AR & Purchasing

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Accounts Receivable Processing eDoceDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToNotesJIRAComplete Y/N
Cash ControlCTRLsearch for CTRL, within CTRL search for Customer, and adding Cash Controls detail line. Bruce

eDoc 11270597, submitted successfully.  customer lookup ok. routed properly to AR lockbox mgr.

logged in as ahl05001 (Alyse Kwapien, AR lockbox mgr).  it was in her action list, but after opening it, she did not get an approve button.  researching...

retested with 11270600, impersonating ahl05001.  after adding one line, the eDoc never fully loaded again.  went back to menu and searched for the edoc, which was in a saved status.  able to open and submit it.  also Payment application 11270601 as part of the transaction.  entered as non-AR.  This CTRL displayed the Approve button, but was missing the Disapprove button.  Opposite of the first test.

11270643 - entered successfully but SU Tab does not display the approver's names.  see Jira KPS-1523.  minor issue.

8/4:  KPS-1523 retested successfully.

KPS-1523 - Getting issue details... STATUS KPS-1515 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Customer Credit MemoCRM
Bruceentered crm 11270605 against below invoice, 11270602.  submitted correctly, route log looks good.  approved all route nodes successfully and went to Final status.
Customer InvoiceINV

new invoice 11270602 created successfully.  will do further in depth testing.

also entered 11270642, successful

Customer Invoice recurrence



requires entry of recurring invoice settings on the invoice, see current documentation.

Not sure this was resolved from KFS-"7" upgrade (2020): 

was able to enter all info, but when submitted, the eDoc went to exception status.  see error message in JIRA.

3/5/20 update:  found that this issue is also present in 5.3 KFS Production.  Also this issue is not present in Monsters.  David and I believe this is likely a permission or workflow issue that is not specific to the upgrade.  This still needs to be tested but may not be ready for the UAT.  see KPS-1005

Also note that we are no longer using recurring invoices.



Customer Invoice Writeoff


test as amp03015Bruce

In process... entered write off 11270648 against $888 remaining on test invoice 11270642.  still updating the route log.  will finish test on 8/3.

Writeoff routed correctly.  LT $1,000 does NOT route to the FO.  $1,000 or greater DOES route to the FO.  passed.

Customer Invoice Writeoff Lookup
look up invoices on customer UCP11691.Bruce

8/3:  Test failed when looking up for customer ADV8028.  Stack trace error.  See Jira for details.  also a display issue.

8/19:  fixed and retested successfully.  verified OK by Hayley Hesse.

KPS-1526 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Payment ApplicationAPP

APP 11270644 was successfully applied to invoice 11270642

Cash DrawerCMDwithin the cash control eDocBruceupdated open cash control 11270619, as som02003 (Sherri Mannis).  Added a cash in of a $55 cashiering check, with a $55 cash out.  Submitted successfully and eDoc went final.  Route log was correct.
Purchasing eDoc (without HuskyBuy)eDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToNotesJIRAComplete Y/N



Test No Print and Vendor Search.


Get error when add an item in Items tab, plus clicking the pin icon in the Description box of the the line item, got Authorization Exception Report.

Re-test, State and Zipcode are not populated and cannot add Accounting Line

Retest Requisition, able to add accounting line, submitted, edoc 11371352 went to Final.

KPS-1524 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Bulk ReceivingRCVB
N/A - not usedN/A - not used
Line Item Receiving



4/14/20 - note that this function is not actually used.  although this has never been retested, it is being changed to "N/A".


Shop Catalogsn/ahold off until ready to test HuskyBuy interfaces

Payment Request (vendor invoice)PREQ


Tested in HB. REQS, PO, PREQS created successfully.

Disbursement Voucher



test all types


uploaded 5 good records in one file, 4 bad and 1 good record in another file, uploaded errors shown isn't match with intended errors, ran loadDisbursementVouchersJob, it failed with Parse error which Paul/Brett are working on to fix in PRD.  Will create a Jira.

KPS-1233 - Getting issue details... STATUS tested ok in UAT, error message was off, waiting to apply fix to updev to test.

Tested, got Exception error again after running loadDisbursementVouchersJob, Kathy is looking into it.

Chat with Kathy, error on line 6 is correct, her codes only check for length of the fields not content of the fields, so wrong phone number and wrong email format will pass thru. The loaddisbursementvoucherjob will reject wrong email but will take wrong phone number format.  Job reads 5 records, 4 written.  All passes.

Contract Manager AssignmentACM

Test Search, Edit, Add functions; all are working fine

Vendor Credit MemoCM

I tried to search for PO with Open status, Search is fine but when I tried to open any PO, I got Incident Report error.

KPS-1543 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Vendor - addPVENCreated a new vendor and then make a change to that division. Lan

Test Add new vendor, edoc went Final successfully, only one strange thing, become Christine Nobile to approve the new Vendor, she receives the same Instruction Notification shown below as the vendor would get in order to approve.

Vendor - editPVEN
LanTest Edit, edoc went Final successfully
Vendor SearchPVEN


Test Search by Name, by Vendor#; all are working fine


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