KFS version 2021-05-27 used for this upgrade
- liquibase.properties file
- update with appropiate connection information, schema and password
- Update the environment parameter parameter.env to correct environment (DEV, UAT or PRD)
- This will replace ${env} in some of the liquibase scripts with the appropriate schmaa which allows us to dynamically chage the schema depending on which KFS environment we are running the scripts.
- Find and replace [env] with the appropriate ( _dev, _uat, or _prd) in files contained in uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/ sub-directories the correct database schema
- Run the following sql scripts using SQL Developer
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/1-kim-sequence.sql
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/1a-kim-nav.xml
- uconn-kefs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/2-kew-sequence.xml
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/3-additional.xml
- Execute /uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/runlog.sh (approximate run time x.xx hours)
- Run the following sql scripts using SQL Developer
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/3a-additional.xml
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/4-drop-ksb.sql
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/5-cleanup.sql
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/db/sql/6-dev-permission.sql **non-production environments only
- compare to version on dev and adjust accordingly
- confirm path to sqlplus and update if necessary
Modify /srv/uconn_configs/kfs-config/security/security.properties
- Change datasource.platform value to kuali.kfs.core.framework.persistence.platform.OracleDatabasePlatform
Post deployment
- ingest
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/workflow/FINP-6378.xml
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/workflow/FINP-7789.xml
- uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/workflow/FINP-7789a.xml
Navgate to Admistration→Instition Configuration. Drag uconn-kfs/uconn/kfs8-upgrade/logo-kfs.gif to upload box in "Branding' and click Apply
Navgate to Admistration→Message Of The Day
- enter 01 in Financial System Origination Code and click Search
- click Edit and update as any other maintance form
Click on Refresh Navigation to view new message.