Personalizing the User Interface


The Campus Solutions 9.2 (CS9.2) My Homepage allows you to navigate the system using a familiar tile layout, while its responsive user interface makes it easy to use from your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

When you manually type an action in a field, you must click the magnifying glass when you are finished; neither hitting ENTER nor tabbing out of the field returns the related value.


A menu bar, known as the banner, is at the top of the Administrator Homepage.

Access to Homepages

Access to Favorites and Recents

Access to your favorites

and most recently visited is on the left side


As you click on pages in the NavBar, you will see the navigation at the top on the NavBar. You can use the links in these breadcrumbs to navigate.


Personalizing the Menu Order

Oracle has determined a standard order for items and folders in the menus. If you would prefer the items to be in alphabetical order instead, you can personalize the menu order.

From the home page, click on the NavBar Icon.

Choose the Alphabetical button under Menu Order.

Personalizing the NavBar

Adding a page to the NavBar

On the NavBar, use Navigator to navigate to the page you want to add. While on the page, click on the Action List at the top right and select Add to NavBar.

Rename the shortcut as needed and click Add.

Next, click OK on the confirmation box.

Deleting a page from the NavBar

From the home page, click on the NavBar Icon

To remove items from the Navbar, click on the trashcan for the item that you want to remove.

NOTE: You can only remove items that you’ve added to the Navbar.

To rearrange items, click on the double lines and drag the item to the desired position on the list.

Personalizing the Homepage

Adding a single page homepage or a folder to your homepage

Navigate to the page or folder you want to add. While on the page or folder you want to add, click the Action List and select Add to Homepage.

Select the homepage if you have more than one.

When adding a page, click OK on the confirmation box.

Removing tiles or changing their position on the Homepage

While on your Homepage, click on Action List to select Personalize Homepage.


  • To remove a tile, click on the trashcan in the upper right-hand corner. NOTE: Only tiles that you’ve added can be removed.

  • To change the sort order, click on the three dots and drag the tiles to the desired location.

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