Managing Your Password

Administrators can change their password, set up password hints, and reset a forgotten password in the Student Administration System.

Changing Your Password

  1. Navigate to the Student Administration homepage

  2. In the menu on the left, click Change My Password.

  3. Enter your current password.

  4. Enter your new password.

  5. Confirm your new password.

  6. Click Change Password.

Password Requirements 

Your new password must meet the following password requirements:

  • Case-sensitive

  • Minimum of 8 characters, can be more

  • At least 1 special character (! @ # $ % ^ & *)

  • At least 1 number (0-9)

  • Cannot match User ID

Setting Up Password Hints

  1. Navigate to the Student Administration System homepage

  2. Log in to Student Admin. 

  3. In the menu on the left, click My System Profile.

  4. Click Change or set up forgotten password help.

  5. From the Question drop-down list, choose a password hint question.

  6. In the Response field, enter the answer to your password hint question.

  7. Click OK

Resetting Your Password

You must have your password hints set up to reset your password on your own. Review the Setting Up Password Hints section above for instructions on how to set up this feature. If you have not set your password help and need to reset your password, contact the UITS Help Center at (860) 486- 4357 or email

After six unsuccessful login attempts, your account will be locked. To unlock your account, contact the UITS Help Center at (860) 486-4357 or email

  1. Navigate to the Student Administration homepage

  2. Log in to the Student Administration System. 

  3. Click Forgot your password?

  4. In the User ID field, enter your alpha ID in ALL CAPS

  5. Click Continue.

  6. In the Response field, enter the answer to your security question.

  7. Click Enter New Password.

  8. A new password will be sent to the address listed in the Email ID field. If you continue to have login issues, contact the Help Center at (860) 486-4357 or

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