Document Searches

Within HuskyBuy, you can search for documents such as requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, receipts and procurement requests.

Process Steps

Searching for Documents

  1. Use the icons on the left to go to Orders > Search to search all orders, or specific documents such as requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, or invoices.

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  1. You can narrow your search down with the filtered menu. In the Type of Order dropdown, select from the list - Requisition, Purchase Order, Receipts or Invoice. Add filters using the various dropdown menus Your saved searches are known as Favorite searches.

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  1. Select a date range from the Created Date dropdown list and click Apply when ready. This defaults to last 90 days.

Refining your Search

  1. Here is the sample result from selecting All from the previous Fiscal Year. Note that you can continue to refine the search results with Quick Filters along the side of the page or the Add Filter option. For example, we will click on the Add Filter > Supplier to show only the requisitions for supplier B&H Foto.

  1. A pop-up window appears in order to select the supplier, or group of suppliers, you want to filter by. Select the supplier and Apply.

  1. The new results are displayed. You have many choices here. You can:

    1. Export the list to a CSV file

    2. Save search to your Favorite Searches

    3. Remove the check-mark and filter by something else

    4. Or click Clear Filters to start over

Saving Search Results

  1. Click on the Save As link. Give your results a nickname. Add your results to either a personal or shared folder. Click Save.

Creating a Shared folder allows you to give access to specific users or your department.

  1. Click on the My Searches link. Notice under Favorite Searches, your saved search file displays.

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