Returned Requisitions

This user guide will show you how to find the problem with a returned requisition, and how to resubmit the corrected requisition for approval.

Table of Contents

Receiving a Returned Requisition

  1. You have placed an order from your draft requisition in HuskyBuy, and receive a confirmation with the requisition number. Then, depending on your profile notification preferences, you will receive an email notification, get a notification in HuskyBuy - or both - stating that the requisition is being returned and why.

You will only get a notification if you have notifications turned on in you profile preferences.

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  1. Clicking on the View Requisition button is a good way to get back into HuskyBuy if you are not already there. Open the HuskyBuy application, or Click the button to continue. You may also see a reason why your requisition was returned at the bottom of your notification email.

Clicking on the View Requisition button in the email will take you to a readonly version of the requisition. You may NOT be able to resubmit the requisition from there.

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  1. If you clicked the button in the email, you are taken to a “Read-Only” version of the requisition where there are no options to edit the requisition.

OR You may be directed to a version of your requisition called “Draft (returned)”. Notice the information message “This is not your active cart.” In this case you can make changes, but you can’t resubmit until you click the Activate Cart button. Alternatively, you can open the returned requisition as shown in the next step below.

Go to the Correct Requisition for Editing

  1. Within HuskyBuy, you can get to the correct draft requisition in one of two ways.

    1. Click on the Action List flag at the top of the screen and select My Returned Requisitions.

Or, from the left menu, select: Shop > My Carts and Orders > View Carts. Either way will get you to the following Cart Management screen.

  1. You should see your returned requisition in the Draft Carts tab. Click on the Shopping Cart Name to go to the draft requisition. (2021-03-11 Camera Equipment in this example.)

  1. You will know you’re in the right place for editing the requisition because you will see the Assign Cart and or Place Order button. Now we will determine the reason the requisition was returned so we can correct it and resubmit it for the approval process. The reason for the returned requisition was first stated at the bottom of the email notification, but not everybody has that turned on. The same information can be found in the History tab.

Determine the Reason for the Return and Correct it

  1. Click on the History tab of the requisition and look for the Note on the Requisition Returned line. (It should be the top line.) The note should give you a good idea where to look to correct the problem.

    1. For Example: document.deliveryBuildingRoomNumber:The specified Room (Room) must not be longer than 30 characters.
      This tells us the Room number cannot be more than 30 characters. And it is the Delivery-Building-Room-Number.

    2. Go back to the Summary tab of the Requisition as shown in the picture above.

  1. If we look at the Ship To address in the Shipping area of the Summary screen, we see that the Room number does indeed have more than 8 characters. Click on the Edit button to get to the editing pop-up shown below.

  1. Edit the Room number to something that is 30 characters or fewer. You don’t need to add the word “Room” in this field. “Room” will automatically be added on the purchase order.

You also have the option of changing your address from the list at the bottom. Selecting a completely different address by clicking in the Search additional search box. Click Save Changes when done.

Resubmit the Corrected Requisition

  1. Back in the draft requisition, you can now click on the Place Order button to resubmit the requisition.

  1. The requisition is resubmitted with the same number as before.

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