Relocation Policy

Relocation Policy Background: Relocation funding is provided for new tenured and tenure-track faculty, in-residence titles, and clinical faculty at UConn. Other titles (ex. Post Doc, VAPs, etc.) are not included in this policy. This is negotiated during the offer stage of the hiring process and the final relocation amount must be included in their signed offer letter. Once the offer letter is signed, the relocation allotment cannot be changed. The amount given is based off the mileage of their move for the shortest, most direct route available (see chart below). If the department wants to provide additional funding, above what is noted in the chart below, the department can increase up to 100% of the standard allotment with Dean approval, which would all need to be included in the final offer letter. It is best to obtain a quote during the negotiation phase so that you have a rough estimate of what the costs may be. The exception should be noted in Page Up and go through the approval process within the system. When the employee accepts the offer, they will be contacted directly by the University’s contracted moving service, Signature Relocation, to start the move planning process within ~ a week.


While encouraged, if the new hire does not want to use Signature Relocation, they are not required to. It is in their best interest to at minimum receive a quote from Signature Relocation though, and if they use a different supplier, Signature can still assist with managing the out-of-pocket reimbursement for the employee through MoveTrack (Signature Relocation’s management software). Out of pocket reimbursements must be submitted to MoveTrack within 30 days of the move date.


The full relocation policy can be found here: Relocation and Moving Policy | University Policies (


Relocation Policy- FAQ


Q: What type of hires are eligible for the CLAS Relocation policy?

A: The College covers Tenure and Tenure-Track, in-residence titles, and clinical faculty moving costs per the University policy and the chart below.


Q: How are moving reimbursements processed?

A: The Business Center receives a weekly report of all new hires who have moving allocations. The Business Center will process the PO in HuskyBuy for the new hire and will reach out to the department to confirm the 4L to use if there is an exception to the standard moving rates. Once the PO is set up in HuskyBuy, Signature Relocation will contact the new hires to start working on their relocation plans. Once the move takes place, Signature will submit an invoice to UConn. If the move is out of pocket: the hire will need to submit all their receipts to Signature Relocation within 30 days of the move. The Business Center would have already set up a PO in HuskyBuy, so Signature Relocation will submit their invoice the same as the steps above.


Q: How much will CLAS contribute for the move?

A: CLAS covers the costs outlined below. Exceptions above the standard amounts will need to be covered by a Departmental 4L account.




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