Scan, Upload and Indexing Guide

There are two primary methods of bringing documents into KnowlegeLake, scanning and uploading. Either process will move documents into the repository, but there are some differences in process for each.

Either on the first load of the Scan App or after the software requires an update, you will be prompted to download the KnowledgeLake Desktop Client to use the Scan App.

KnowledgeLake Desktop Client to use the Scan App.

Scan App vs. Upload App comparison

Scan App

Upload App

Scan App

Upload App

Ability to scan (paper) and import digital documents

Ability to upload digital documents

All documents will be converted to a pdf file type

Documents will retain their file type (e.g. .docx, xlsx, etc.)

Allows users to enter and save partial metadata, complete the batch and return later to the Index app to complete indexing. 

Requires users to complete indexing in full before it's saved to the SharePoint repository. 

Scan App requires the local installation of the KnowledgeLake Desktop Client. If you do not have access to install this client, please reach out to your administrator by emailing



  1. Select the Scan app from the KnowledgeLake menu:

  2. Select a scan profile.

  3. This will create a new batch: Note the batch number in the Batch Panel for later reference.

If you have a scanner attached, the scan icon will be available.
Both the scan and import options have the same steps.
Documents will be converted to .pdf.

Selecting scan or import options will bring the documents into the scan app for indexing:

From here, documents can be indexed and saved.

Closing a batch will delete the batch in the Scan app.

Once you are finished indexing, select the complete button on the top ribbon. If you did not finish indexing all documents, your screen will look like this:

Otherwise, when you have saved the metadata for all documents, your screen will look like this:

Batches with complete indexing will move to the repository and appear in the search after the next crawl. Otherwise, the batch will appear in the index queue after processing:



From the index panel, we can select Index to revisit an incomplete batch

Note that the first document in this batch is still indexed from earlier. This is because we selected Save from the Index Panel and completed the batch while we were on the scan screen. You can do this as often as needed for larger batches so long as you complete all the required fields for each document you are working on and are working from the Index Queue.

To set a batch down to work with later, select the Close option from the ribbon to move the batch to your personal index queue

If you are not going to complete the indexing for a batch, or need to make it available for a different user, select Unlock batch from the ribbon, and the batch will appear in the ‘All Batches’ queue



Select the Upload app from the KnowledgeLake menu:

Drag documents into the box or click to bring up a file browser

This will bring up the index panel for the documents you added

From here, we can fill in the required fields, or select a different content type if the documents need to be in a different library/department. Using the eye icon in the top left, we can preview the document to aid in indexing

Select Next after indexing each document, and then Upload on the last page

This upload will be available to search after the next crawl.



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