Utilizing the Calendar in Ultra Course View

Utilizing the Calendar in Ultra Course View

In Ultra courses, instructors have access to the calendar tool allowing instructors to plan events, display office hours, or create an area for students to see due dates for assignments or projects.


The calendar tool allows instructors to create events, establish a course schedule, and create a place for students to view due dates for assignments.

The calendar can be found as a course tab in Ultra Course View.

  1. From calendar you can switch between the Schedule view or Due Dates view.

When assignments are created with a due date, the assignment period will automatically populate the calendar in both the Schedule and Due Dates view of the calendar.

  1. In addition, you can switch the view of the calendar from Days to Months using the top right boxes.

  1. To add an event, due date, or office hours to a calendar, click the plus sign in the top right corner.

  2. Then select what you would like to add to the calendar.



Instructors can plan and add events onto the calendar in Ultra Course View.

  1. Click on the plus sign in the top right of the Calendar tab.

  2. Give the event a name in the box above.

  3. Provide the date and time.

    1. Instructors can check Repeat Event if the event occurs one of the following: daily, weekly, monthly, or how many ever days.

    2. Instructors can label the event as running All Day.

  4. Provide a location and description of event.


  1. Click Save.

Instructors can create a course schedule that displays when the course meets. This acts as a reoccurring event on the calendar.

  1. Click on the plus sign in the top right of the Calendar tab.

  2. Click an additional plus sign to create the course schedule.

  3. Provide a name for the class schedule.

  4. Set the first day of the meeting/event as well as the time it runs. Here you can choose which days the meeting/event will run and how often it will occur in the coming weeks or months.

  5. Provide a location for the meeting/event.

  6. Click Save.



Instructors can create scheduled office hours on their calendar in Ultra Course View.

  1. Click on the plus sign in the top right of the Calendar tab.

  2. Enter the information of your office hours including date, time, location, and occurrence.

  3. Click Save


For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, please contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052 (M-F 9am-4pm).

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