Managing Access to Content and Assessments (Adaptive Release)

This article is for faculty and staff seeking information regarding managing student access to course content and assessments in HuskyCT. 

For managing access in Ultra Course View, refer to:


Instructors can use the Adaptive Release setting to manage student access to learning content or assessments. Adaptive Release can be enabled for any content or assessment created within a content area or content folder. Adaptive Release lets you specify the criteria that a student must satisfy in order to view and access the item.

There are two types of Adaptive Release: Adaptive Release and Adaptive Release Advanced.

Adaptive Release

Adaptive Release can be used when an instructor needs certain criteria for students to access an assignment or exam. These criteria can include a student needing more time or needing a certain grade to access an assignment/test.

The sections below describe and explain the different criteria and rules that can be added to your assignment/test under Adaptive Release

  1. Navigate to your HuskyCT course

  2. Select Adaptive Release in the drop-down menu to the right of the assignment/test you wish to add a rule to.


  3. On the Adaptive Release page, you’ll see a few different criteria.

  4. The Date criterion will be set to your assignment start and due date by default.

    1. Note, if you wish to limit the assignment using the other criterion below, it is recommended to only use this date criterion on the Adaptive Release page, and to remove the Due Date set on the assignment, as it may cause conflicts

  5. The Membership criterion allows you to limit the assignment to specific users or groups.

    1. Limit the assignment to specific users by clicking Browse and selecting the students from the dialogue box that pops up. Once done, click Submit.

    2. Limit the assignment to a group by clicking on the groups shown in the left side Course Group box, and click the right-ward arrow to move them into the right-side box. Once done, click Submit

  6. The Grade criterion makes it so that the student can only see the assignment they have either attempted, or have met the score requirement for a prior assignment. For example, you may want students to attempt Assignment 2 only once they have received a score of 80% or above on Assignment 1.

    1. You can set a grade requirement by first selecting the Grade Center column for the assignment you would like for them to have done beforehand. Now you can select a condition. You may either require that they just attempt the assignment, you can set a minimum grade.

    2. To set a minimum grade, you can either use the value of their score (based off of the assignment’s points) or you can simply use a percentage.


    3. You may also set a maximum grade or a range of grades, as desired. Once done, click Submit.

  7. The Review Status criterion allows you to restrict student access to the assignment until they have reviewed a prior assignment/assessment. You can click the Browse button to select the assignment you wish for them to review and, once selected, click Submit.

Adaptive Release (Advanced)

With Adaptive Release (Advanced), you are able to combine multiple options per criteria unlike Adaptive Release which has limited to one per criteria. The sections below describe and explain the different criteria and rules that can be added to your assignment/test. To create multiple rules, follow the steps for creating a rule as needed for the number of rules you need.

Creating a Rule

In order to add criteria to the adaptive release, you need to create a rule.

  1. Navigate to your HuskyCT course.

  2. Select Adaptive Release (Advanced) in the drop-down menu to the right of the assignment/test you wish to add a rule to.

  3. Select the Create a Rule button on the top right of the Adaptive Release page.

  4. You will be redirected to a page where you can give a name to your rule. The rule name can be whatever you feel is appropriate for your course.

  5. Choose your criteria or review status.

  6. Click OK. Your criteria will be implemented onto your assignment.

Criteria Types

Date Criteria

Date criteria are used to date-restrict an assignment's availability to students. You can set a time frame for when the assignment/test will be available.

The assignment must first have been available to use this.

Grade Criteria

Grade criteria can be used to restrict access to a test or assignment until the student receives a certain grade on a certain assignment.

For example, students are not allowed to see the lab assignment until they receive a 100% on the lab safety quiz.

Another use for Grade criteria is restricting access to an assignment until a student has at least one attempt on another assignment. Follow the steps above on creating a rule. When you select grade criteria, you will be brought to the page shown below.
Here, you can specify exactly what grade the student will need on a certain assignment (in the above case being an assignment draft). Select Okay to confirm the settings.

Membership Criteria

Membership criteria would be used if you want a specific student or group of students to be able to view a content item or assignment.

If you want an individual student to receive access to an assignment/test/file, create a membership rule and add them under course users.

If you want to view something you have set up with Adaptive Release Settings under preview_user, you must be part of a group to view it.

  1. Go to Users and Groups > Groups.

  2. Select the drop-down arrow to the right of one of the groups.

  3. Select edit group.

  4. Under membership, add your preview_user under this (will work only if you opted in to save user data for the preview user).

Review Status

Review status can be useful for students as it allows them to see items they have already looked at. A professor may also want to check if a user has reviewed an item.

On adaptive release advanced, this review status can be used to allow a student to view an item/assignment/quiz only after they have reviewed other material.

  1. Follow the steps to create a rule.

  2. instead of selecting criteria, select Review Status.

  3. Hit Browse.

  4. Select which item you wish to receive review statuses on.

  5. Press Submit to save changes.

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