Student Workers Account/Computer Quick Guide

NETID Work Account

The following can be attempted after your supervisor has sponsored your NETID work account.  

Check student UConn inbox for an email from ITS Helpdesk with steps to activate account. 

If no such email exists, follow these steps to activate a NETID work account is similar to a NEITD: (Note: When following these steps ensure you are using your work NetID, not your student NetID)  

If there is an error, such as “There was a problem activating your NetID, either it was previously activated or there is a problem with your account”, then follow these steps.  

  1. Navigate to the Tech Support Center and use the online chat feature in the bottom right of the screen, or call the UConn help center at 860-486-4357 (recommended) to explain the situation or use the chat functionality (bottom right)
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the Help center 

Once the NetIDwork account is activated, you may change the password to something you will remember on the NetID Website under “Reset password”. 

Additionally, to get into NetIDwork email, navigate to the University Email Page and select the Office 365 login. Login with your as your email, and your NetIDwork password as the password. Once in, Microsoft Office apps will be available to use such as Outlook, PowerPoint, Word. 

 Accessing NETID Work Shared Resources 

Accessing a shared mailbox or calendar: 

Keep in mind your supervisor will need to request access before this can be added. 

Accessing Printers from Intune Managed Devices (devices you sign into the computer with email address & password):

Connecting to a Printer from an Intune-enrolled Windows Computer

Please note at this time, we recommend logging into the machines with your email address and password as that is the way you will access printers.

Note that the 4 main copiers will be able to be added by everyone once you are singed into Universal Print (instructions above). Supervisors will need to request access to the copiers in their area before they show up. If there are any issues with this, see below for asking for assistance. 

Where to use which account 

Due to the different accounts for different things, please look below to see which account to use for which situations

Computer login - NETID or email address

Email - NETID work

SharePoint - NETID work

Teams - NETID work

Other services if not otherwise specified (ie payroll): NETID

Keep in mind both accounts will be tied to the same Duo prompt in hi-tech classrooms

Be sure to use your NETID work account for all work-related purposes to comply with University policy and ensure your rights to privacy for your student NETID. 


If yo need assistance or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask below

Questions: be sure to include availability if this requires in person follow up

Urgent: call 203-251-9599

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