Procedures for First Shift

  • Arrive on time. .  If you are on the opening shift of the day you should arrive promptly at 9:00AM (Monday-Friday) or 10:00AM (Saturday).  Please see attendance policy.
  • Check the paper supply in the printers and add paper if needed.
    • Printers are located both in the library and upstairs outside the labs
  • Check to make sure upstairs teaching labs are ready for use
    • Labs should be unlocked
    • All computes should be on and responsive, if a computer is done call us right away as it may be needed for a class
    • Labs should be clean of papers and garbage, report any messes to your supervisor
    • Screens should be in the up position
  • Do a quick walkthrough of the learning commons (both 1st and 2nd floors), ensure everything is functional, fix (and ticket) if not able to fix yourself, still ticket and refer to the policy of when to call us.
  • Ensure the learning commons is tidy (should be taken care of from the shift before).
  • Turn off call forward on the desk phone

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