Swapping Classes in a Student Schedule

Administrators can swap classes in a student's schedule in the Student Administration System.

The Swap tool is used when you want to ensure that the student does not lose a current class until they have been successfully added to a new class. 

If you need to add classes for a student, see Adding Classes to a Student's Schedule

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    NavBar icon
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 

    NavBar Menu
  3. Click the Records and Enrollment tab. 

  4. Click the Enroll Students tab.

  5. Click the Enrollment Request tab. 

  6. In the ID field, enter the student’s ID. You may need to click View All for all IDs to appear.

  7. In the Academic Career field, enter the student’s Academic Career code or use the magnifying glass icon to search for the applicable codes.

    1. Students may have more than one code listed. Select the code for the student’s current academic career.

  8. In the Academic Institution field, enter UCONN.

  9. In the Term field, type the Term code for the term for which you would like to enroll the student. You can use the magnifying glass icon to see the terms for which the student has been term activated.

  10. Click Add.

  11. From the Action drop-down list, choose Swap Courses.

  12. In the Class Nbr field, enter the Class Number.

    1. Alternatively, click the magnifying glass icon to search for the Class Number. 

    2. On the Enrollment Listing page, click the checkbox to the left of the class you would like to swap.

  13. In the Change To field, enter the new Class Number. Alternatively, click the magnifying glass icon to search for the Class Number.

  14. In the Units Taken field, if this is a variable credit class, enter the number of credits the student will be attempting.

  15. In the Permission Number field, if the student requires a permission number to enroll in the class, enter the permission number.

  16. To swap another class for this student, click the plus sign. 

    • Repeat Steps 11 through 15.

  17. Click Submit.

  18. Verify the Status has changed to Success.

    1. If the Status is Errors Found, scroll down to view the error messages in the Error Messages portion of the page.

    2. Use the navigation bar to view errors on each class in the enrollment request.

  19. To view the student's schedule, click Study List.

  20. To print the report, click Printer Friendly Page. 

    1. Click File.

    2. Select Print from your browser menu.

  21. Click Cancel twice to return to the Enrollment Request page.

  22. To initiate another enrollment request,

    1. Scroll to the bottom right of the page. 

    2. Click Add.

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