Supplier Registration – New Supplier

Sample Email

This is an example of the email you will receive. If you don’t see this come to your email, your IT department may have blocked certain emails. You may need to ask them to allow emails from us, specifically the email address You may also want to check your spam or junk mail folder within your email application.

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YOU MUST USE THE EMAIL ADDRESS THE INVITE WAS SENT TO WHEN CREATING YOUR HUSKYBUY LOGIN. If you use a different email or forward the invite to someone else to complete, it will create a duplicate profile that UConn cannot use.

Review Registration Checklist/FAQ’s/Tutorial

Click Continue with Registration.

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Supplier Account Setup

If you haven’t already setup an account with the Jaggaer Supplier Network (JSN) this will setup your JSN account. Your user name and password will be used for any JSN account your company has setup.

It is important to know that someone at your company may have already setup a JSN account for another university your company does business with. If you receive a message stating your company is already setup, it may be that you should contact either someone at your company or Jaggaer to assist with login.

Jaggaer Supplier Support Contact: +1-800-233-1121 International toll free phone numbers can be found here:

HuskyBuy Supplier Registration

You will now be directed to UConn’s HuskyBuy registration page. Complete all the required information prior to certifying and submitting.

  • A star will designate what is required

  • A green checkmark will designate a section that all required information has been completed

  • If there is a warning sign for a section, then it still has required information.

This is what you should see:


Company Overview

If you require assistance determining your legal structure, please review this helpful guide.

Please scroll all the way to the bottom of each section. There may be more questions when you scroll down.

Business Details

For commodity code, you need to click “edit” and select the appropriate commodity code for what you are providing to the University. If you have questions about what commodity code you should select, please reach out to the department you are working with. They can help you determine what commodity code you should select.


You can either use the same address for Fulfillment and Remittance or create separate addresses.

You can give a generic name to your address. This may help you easily identify the type of address for future updates.

Fill out your address information and click next. You can add a new contact or choose Not Applicable to skip (contacts are required though).



You will need both a Corporate and Remittance contact type, this can be the same person. When you click “add contact” you then select the contact type you are wanting to add.






Add your diversity classification. If you don’t have any be sure to add the diversity classification of “Does Not Qualify”.


This is not required for registration, but depending on the service provided may be requested at a later time. Feel free to add your insurance certificates here.

  1. Give your tax document a generic name; i.e. W9.

  2. Either upload your W9 or download the pre-populated document that was generated from your previous answers, print it and review, sign and date. Scan the W9 and save it to your computer. Then upload it by clicking the Select File button.

If you have questions related to your tax documents please contact

Payment Type

Select your desired payment type. If you select anything other than paper check, AP will reach out to you after your registration is submitted to collect additional information related to your selected payment type.

Additional Tax Information – Foregin Entities ONLY (Not for domestic suppliers)

Certify & Submit

Once submitted your registration will be reviewed for approval. If any issues are found we will contact you to make corrections. Once your registration is approved, the department you are working with will be notified so they can start processing payment. If you have any questions about your payment status, please contact the department you are working with.

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