Resetting a PC

This applies to a machine that is currently in Intune. If the machine is not in Intune yet, this does not apply. See below for procedures on shared machines vs assigned machines.


Assigned Machines: Machines assigned to an individual who is the primary user. An example would be a machine assigned to an individual faculty or staff member as their primary machine. By them being the primary user, they are granted administrative rights and will be able to access the company portal. Other users on this computer will not be able to access the company portal.

Shared computers: Machines that are not meant to have a primary user and have multiple people who may use a computer or sign into it. Users may access the company portal although there may be difficulties in doing so without troubleshooting. Users on Shared computers will not be expected to have to do any of their own maintenance.


Resetting an assigned machine:

Autopilot reset, fresh start or “Reset this PC” can be used in settings. As long as the primary user is the first to login to the computer, everything should be fine.

Resetting a shared computer:

Autopilot reset will be the preferred method for resting a shared computer. If Autopilot reset is not selected, the first user who logs in will be the primary user of the machine so avoid Fresh Start and Resting through settings if avoidable. If you have to reset a computer other than autopilot reset, recommend that you remove yourself as primary user.

Computer that doesn’t boot

If a machine doesn't boot, Windows will need to be reinstalled manually. The fastest and easiest way to do this is going to be through a PXE boot in SCCM. Ensure that the machine is in the proper OU to ensure you’ll be an admin once it is imaged and run the rest functionality. Other options include installing the OS manually through bootable media.

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