Conference Room PC Maintenance and Information

Conference Room PC Maintenance and Information

Managed Workstation Information

Active Directory OU for conference room machines:



Group Policy: None outside of standard Managed Workstation policies

Printers: None at this time


Stamford | Web Conference Suite | Required is the SCCM collection that Stamford_Campus_Presentation and Stamford_Campus_Technology_Incubation_Program are members of. 

Required deployments:

MS Teams - required, pushed through ITS

Zoom - required, pushed through ITS

Webex - required, pushed through ITS

Generic Software Bundle - pushed through ITS and Stamford as required.

NOTE: MS Teams is pushed out as a required deployment but installs in a funny way. MS Teams is not pushed by SCCM, rather the teams installer is pushed via SCCM as a required deployment. Once the Teams installer is on the computer, it will install MS Teams as a profile install. At this time, this is the only way that Microsoft can distribute Teams in SCCM. In the event Teams doesn't auto-install upon a user's first login, a restart should increase the likelihood of this being installed next time. Once the installer gets going, it seems to install for all people but if it doesn't install properly, ITS recommends a reboot as the first step and manually installing Teams through O365 if it still doesn't go.

Also note that ITS managed software is set to install in a maintenance window so make sure that re-imaging is done well in advance of an event that books the conference center. For this reason, recommend booking a conference center before doing critical maintenance during normal operation.


Re-imaging can be done either through PXE boot or an SCCM zero touch scheduled deployment. The standard task sequence is used.

After re-imaging, you will need to give the computer several hours of time to install software in which the computer is not sleeping. If the computer goes to sleep, you will need to disable sleep on AC power. This shouldn't happen anymore but is included in case it does.

  • Teams installs, reboot if it doesn't and make sure it comes back
  • Webex installed
  • Zoom installed
  • Generic software installed - MS Office, Chrome, Firefox, etc

Make sure you don't re-image a computer and have a user who booked the room use it first.

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