Career Number
Report Field Name | STDNT_CAR_NBR |
Definition/Usage | An integer number assigned to the career of the student upon matriculation. It differentiates a student’s multiple academic programs within the same academic career. For students with multiple academic programs within the same academic career, the university selects a unique academic career number for each academic program. The lowest career number designates the student’s primary academic program within the academic career. The default value is zero. A student cannot be matriculated more than once in the same career number. |
Values | 0, 1, 2, 3, … |
Example |
Notes |
Synonyms/References |
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.
Student Admin
Table | Multiple |
Column | STDNT_CAR_NBR |
Student Admin Foundation/Lookup
Table |
Column |
Table | Multiple |
Column | STDNT_CAR_NBR |