Effective Date
Report Field Name | EFFDT |
Definition/Usage | Consider Effective Date the “As of” date. With most setup tables, Effective Date goes hand in hand with Effective Status--this allows you to control when a set of rules should or will be “turned on” or “turned off”. For transactional tables, Effective Date informs the user what set of student states and/or attributes are in effect. |
Values | Effective Date Effective Status Translates to 01/01/2024 Active This row in the table is active as of 01/01/2024 07/01/2025 Inactive This row in the table will be inactive as of 07/01/2025 |
Example | This is an example of one student’s undergraduate academic program record. It is sorted chronologically from oldest to newest. The Action Date is the date the information was input into the system. The Eff Date (Effective Date) is the date the action becomes effective. Consider today’s date to be 4/1/2023, this student’s status today would be DC - Discontinued. See record in red text. This student is not considered AC - Active until 5/8/2023, the effective date of the record, even though its Action Date is 3/31/2023 which is prior to “today”. Consider today’s date to be 4/1/2023. The last row in the example below, is known as future-dated. This action, entered on 3/31/2023, will take effect on 5/8/2023. Career Eff Date Acad Prog Status Prog Actn Action Date |
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Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.
Student Admin
Table |
Column |
Student Admin Foundation/Lookup
Table |
Column |
Table |
Column |