Viewing Standard Advisement Reports (Advisors)

Advisors can view their advisees' Standard Advisement Reports in the Student Administration System. The Standard Advisement Report enables advisors to track a student's progress toward the completion of their current academic program.

  1. Log in to the Student Administration System.

  2. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    navbar compass icon
  3. Click Navigator from the menu. 

    navigator icon
  4. Click the Self Service tab.

  5. Click the Advisor Center tab. 

  6. Click the My Advisees tab. The My Advisees page will display. 

  7. Click the View Student Details link to see an advisee's Student Center.

  8. Under Academics, from the Other Academic... drop-down menu, select Advisement Reports.

  9. Select the double arrow.

  10. The Advisement Reports landing page will display. Select the Run Standard Report button.

    Advisors currently do not have access to the Run What-If Report or Run Planner Report options on the landing page. Students are able to run these reports. More information about these reports is available on the landing page.

  11. After a few moments, the Standard Report will display in a new tab. The Standard Report shows academic progress toward graduation. Unsatisfied requirements are expanded by default. 

    1. Click the arrow next to an individual requirement to expand or collapse a single requirement. 

    2. Click Collapse All or Expand All to collapse or expand all requirements.

    3. To view the report as a PDF document, click View Report as PDF at the top of the report.

    4. To view the plan of study, click Plan of Study at the top of the report.

If the PDF document does not appear, disable pop-up blockers on your browser and try again.

Degree requirements are listed as Requirement Groups and are comprised of Requirements. Requirement Groups appear with an RG designation next to them and Requirements appear with an RQ designation next to them.

  • If all requirements have been met, the Requirement Group to which it belongs will also appear as Satisfied

  • If any requirement is not complete, the Requirement Group to which it belongs will appear as Not Satisfied.

For more information and assistance, contact the Degree Audit unit of the Storrs Registrar's Office at (860) 486-6214.

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