Viewing Prior Course Approval Results

Advisors seeking can view prior course approval results in the Student Administration System.

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    NavBar icon
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 

    NavBar Menu
  3. Click the UC Transfer Credit tab. 

  4. Click the UC Transfer Credit Process tab. 

  5. Click the Prior Course Approval tab. 

  6. Enter the 7-digit PeopleSoft ID that corresponds to the student for which you wish to view a Prior Course Approval.

  7. Click SearchThe selected student's Prior Course Approval results will display. 

For additional information about prior course approvals, visit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions' Transferring Credit for Current UConn Students page

Students enrolled in the BGS program should view the BGS Prior Course Approval page.

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