Viewing a Transfer Credit Report

Advisors can view a Transfer Credit Report in the Student Administration System.

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    navbar compass icon
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 

    navigator button
  3. Click the Self Service tab. 

  4. Click the Advisor Center tab.  

  5. Click the My Advisees tab. The My Advisees page will display.  

  6. Click the View Student Details link to see an advisee's Student Center.

  7. Under Academics, from the other academic... drop-down menu, select Transfer Credit Report. 

  8. Click the double arrow button. 

The Transfer Credit Report for the selected student will display. Transfer information includes when the class was transferred, what group it applies to, the source institution's numbering scheme and the equivalent course at UConn, the credits taken and awarded, and the grade posted. If a class does not transfer, the reason for rejection will be listed.
Transfer courses from other institutions are graded with a T and are not calculated in the GPA. Courses taken as a non-degree student at UConn and accepted by the Dean are transferred with the grade earned and are calculated in the GPA.

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