Posting Student Transactions

Administrators can post student financial transactions in the Student Administration System. 

  1. Log in to the Student Administration System.

  2. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner.

    NavBar icon
  3. Click the Navigator button from the menu.

    Navigator button
  4. Navigate to the Student Financials tab.

  5. Select the Charges and Payments tab.

  6. Click the Post Student Transactions tab.

  7. In the ID field, enter the appropriate ID.

    1. To select an ID from the Lookup List, click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the field.

    2. On the Lookup ID page, type the student’s name.

    3. Click Look Up. A list of IDs will display. You may need to click View All for all IDs to appear.

  8. Next to the Account Type field, click the magnifying glass icon to select the appropriate Account Type.

  9. In the Item Type field, enter the Item Type number if you know it.

    • Alternatively, click the magnifying glass icon to view the corresponding Item Types.

  10. Click View All to view the first 300 results.

  11. Click Add.

  12. In the Amount field, enter the appropriate amount.

  13. In the Term field, type the 4-digit Term code.

  14. In the Reference Number field, enter a brief detailed description of the transaction you are posting.

  15. In the Due Date field, enter the date the charge is due.

    1. Add two weeks to today’s date so the student can be notified of the charge via email.

  16. Click Post.

  17. To verify the posting, at the bottom of the page, click Student Accounts.

  18. Click Account Details for the Account Type and Term you posted in.

  19. To return to the Students Accounts page, click Return at the bottom of the page.

  20. To return to the Student Post page, click Return at the bottom of the page.

  21. To post another charge, click New Transaction.

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