Waiving UConn Sponsored Health Insurance

Students can waive the University's health plan from their fee bill.

UConn automatically enrolls students in the University health plan. However, if you have alternative coverage, you can waive the University plan. If you fail to complete the waiver, it is assumed that you accept coverage offered under the University-sponsored health insurance plan, and the charge for that coverage will remain on your fee bill.

  • Students have until September 15th of the Fall semester to waive their health insurance for the academic year.

  • Spring new admitted students have until February 5th to waive their health insurance for the remaining academic year.

  • The health insurance waiver must be completed every year in the Fall. The waiver only covers one academic year at a time.

Video- Waiving Health Insurance.mp4


  1. Students- Log in to https://studentadmin.uconn.edu/

  2. Click “Bursar Services

  3. Click “Waivers/ Health Insurance

  4. The University of Connecticut Student Insurance Waiver page will appear. Review the introduction.

  5. Select the name of your Insurance Company from the drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the Name of the Insurance Company, the Member ID, and Group Number (if your plan has one).

  7. Please review and acknowledge the below statements by clicking the Yes/No toggle button

  8. Read and acknowledge the statements shown. Use your NetID for the electronic signature, and click Submit Waiver Request.

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