2019-03-12 Weekly Status Meeting




  • Status Update
  • Risk/Issues
  • Schedule
  • Planning

Discussion items


  • Agenda set for meetings this week with NuPark
  • Roles and Responsibilities draft circulated. Expect this to be finalized after this week’s sessions with NuPark
  • Data map load file template mostly complete waiting on NuPark for additional field explanations
  • Additional process flows documented related to special processes around permits cash / payment processing and department billing
  • Risk / Issue


  • NuPark responsiveness: Will discuss during onsite visit and identify approach to prevent issues


  • Continue building out plan
    • Matt Grimm : How do you want plan updates to be provided?  Response: Please send updates in MS Project format and George Perron will integrate
  • Meetings with NuPark (planning, configuration, system setup, initial training)
    • Jessica all set with directions and planned arrival time of 8:30
    • Refreshments to be provided for 9am, will determine other plans for lunch, etc, after Jessica onsite.
  • Scheduling meetings with Fee Bill, Housing Director, HuskeyBucks/One Card

Action items

  • Matt Grimm to provide plan updates, will send to George
  • George Perron to send out updated agenda for NuPark visit.