2018-09-28 Weekly Parking Meeting




  • Amy Horn
  • Kristen Allen


  • Review training requirements
  • Review proposed payment schedule
  • Open Discussion

Discussion items

  • Reviewed timeline proposal with milestone payments
    • Based on documentation the elapse time using day estimates as business days project estimated at 6 months to go-live
    • Payment schedule and amount recomendations look good
    • Remove dates and just leave milestones
    • George will update the schedule and forward on to Amy Horn
  • Reviewed training plan and expectations (document).  George will forward to Amy Horn
    • Quesstion on test to production preparation and if training on test will be available during this timeframe.  
    • Permit permission testing will need test data in geolocation / polygons for LPR testing

Action items

  • George Perron to provide Amy Horn updated documents for contract inclusion