2018-09-14 Parking Meeting notes




    • Current update in contract discussion preparation
      • Training
      • Existing Equipment (Genetech AutoVu Camera, hand held devices)
      • Interfaces
    • Address or identify Issues / Questions
      • Current License Agreement – Cardinal Software
      • Conference – Synergize
    • Planning / Next steps

Discussion items

Additional questions to NuPark

  • Dwight to provide response / feedback during the weekend


  • Should be into units by role or function
    • Field
    • Office
    • Super Users
  • OK if remote
  • Should include hands on portion for participants
  • Will use test system
  • George to provide draft that should be included in the contract


Additional Equipment

  • LPR's Genetech - 6
  • Ruggedized Panasonic - 6
  • No Bluetooth printers needed

 Live Appeals

  • Ability to post appeal documentation online (should be included)

 Parking Occupancy -

  • Looking to implement occupancy counting for large lots for Fall 2019.
  • May be an additional interface but not clear at this time

Discussed existing System Licensing

  • Current year License Agreement renewal (7/1/18-6/30/19 for $16,921.10) held up in HuskyBuy (Jaeggar) PO 208450 (replacement stuck in approvals).  This may be an issue caused by Cardnal.  Follow-up: Kristen/Amy to check.
  • ORIS returns blanket order is in place  (PO=307258)

Conference for NuPark Austin Tx 10/15-10/17

  • Listed as private for existing customers.   May be too early in the process and this is their first user group event.  Possible future consideration


  • History should include 3 years citations
  • Parking will be all new users (so no history needed)

 Parking tags:

  • Current decals, tags, etc. will be replaced by virtual passes

 Possible / Anticipated implementation timeline

  • Spring 2019 Employees
  • Mid-July 2019 Students
  • May need to run parallel for a period of time

Action items

  • Dwight to review list of questions to send and provide his feedback during the weekend (Complete)
  • Kristen/Amy to check on the status of the Cardinal renewal to see if this can be paid
  • George Perron to provide training language draft