Adding Favorites

Within HuskyBuy, you can add routinely ordered items to a Favorites folder for quick re-ordering. Please note: only hosted catalog items and forms can be added as Favorites.

Table of Contents

Process Steps

Adding to Favorites

  1. Navigate to the item you would like to favorite

    1. For catalog items, search for the item. Select the item’s corresponding add favorite icon in the search results.

    2. For form requests, open the form request you would like to add as a favorite. Fill out the form with information you want to save. (This information will be retained whenever you add the form to your cart.)

    3. Navigate to the Request Actions menu at the top of the form and choose Add to Favorite in the dropdown menu. Click the Go button.

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  1. A pop up window appears.

    1. Edit the Item Nickname* (if desired). (The correct product name will display on the requisition and purchase order to the supplier.)

    2. Go to Step 2: Select Destination Folder to save the item to an existing favorites folder (or create a new folder using the Create New link) and click the Save Changes button.

  1. A message will appear noting the product has been added to the favorites folder.

Accessing Favorites

  1. To access saved Favorites, use the icons on the left to go to Shop > Shopping > View Favorites.

  1. Then, select the folder where you saved the item.

    1. Hosted Catalog items have the option to Add to Cart where as the Punchout Catalog item has the option to order directly from the suppliers punchout website.

    2. The Form Request will have the option to Submit Request which will take you to a new version of the request with saved information from the saved Favorite.

Searching Favorites

  1. Use the icons on the left to go to Shop > Shopping > View Favorites.

  2. Click the Search button located above the favorites folders.

  3. A search box appears. Enter keywords you are searching for. Click the magnifying glass icon to search. The search results return favorites and favorites folders that contain your search keywords.

  4. Click on a result to navigate to the folder or favorite.

  5. To add a saved favorite to your cart, click the favorite’s corresponding Add to Cart button.

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