New Account Using "Copy"

Staff can copy an existing account in the Account section of the Chart of Accounts page in Kuali Financial Systems (KFS).  

Copying an Existing Account

  1. Navigate to Account.  

  2. In the Account Lookup fields, enter any known information about the account you wish to copy.  

  3. Click Search.  

  4. Click Copy.  

  5. Enter a description for the account. 

This description appears in the approver’s action list and in eDoc searches. 

Account Maintenance Tab

The Account Maintenance tab is divided into two sections: left and right.   

  • The left side is for the previous (i.e., existing) or copied account.  

  • The right side is for the proposed (i.e., new) account. On the right side of the Account Maintenance tab, you can change the data as needed for the new account.

Chart Manager Tip

Remember to create a name for your new account and enter it over the copied account’s name.  

Data Entry: Miscellaneous Notes

  • In the Chart Code field, enter UC.  

  • In the Account Number field, enter the Org Number followed by 001, 002, etc. 

    • Example: 7-digit number – 1549001

    • A central office will fill in the final account number later. 

  • In the Account Name field, enter a new title for the account. 

  • In the Organization Code field, enter a 4-digit KFS department number

  • Select the appropriate Campus Code from the drop-down menu.

  • In the Account Effective Date field, you can enter a future date.

  • If you enter a date in the Expiration Date field, you also need to enter a continuation account in the Account Responsibility tab.  

  • The account’s postal code, city name, and state code can all be changed as needed.  

  • In the Account Street Address field, enter the Unit Number.  

  • If the Closed? checkbox is checked, it indicates that you are requesting to close the existing account and a continuation account needs to be selected. Selecting this checkbox will not close a new account.
    Note: In filling any of these fields, use your best judgment. The Chart Manager can change or correct the fields if needed. You can select N/A whenever it is appropriate to do so. 

  • The Account Type Code further identifies the classification of the account.  

  • The Sub-Fund Group Code identifies the type of funding for the account.  

  • The Higher Ed Function Code classifies accounts for financial statement purposes. For guidance on choosing a code, review the Higher Education Function Codes page. 

  • The Account Restricted field is used for identifying restricted, temporarily restricted, and unrestricted accounts.

  • UConn Custom Extended Attributes

    • The Bank Code and Fund SID fields are required. You can select a bank code or a fund SID from a drop-down list.  

    • The Department Account Owner Code field is optional. You can select the appropriate department account owner code or type code from a drop-down list.  

    • The Department Ref 1 and Department Ref 2 fields are optional. This field is free-form, which means you can enter information without having to select it from a drop-down list. 

Account Responsibility Tab

Below is an overview of the roles involved in managing accounts. 

Fiscal Officer

A Fiscal Officer has an oversight role for the account.   

  • Each transactional document requires Fiscal Officer approval.   

  • Fiscal Officers may delegate approval authority. 

Account Supervisor

Account Supervisors act as Department Heads or the Principal Investigator. These individuals usually have Department or Division-level management of the account. 

Account Manager

The Account Manager is responsible for ensuring that funds are spent and managed according to the goals and objectives of the University.  

The Fiscal Officer and Account Manager may be the same individual. 

Contracts and Grants / Plant Tab

Only the appropriate offices should complete the fields on the Plant tabs, Contracts and Grants tabs, and the Budget Construction tab. Do not edit the information on these tabs.

Guidelines and Purposes Tab

For this tab, enter information about the accounts that will be used. These descriptions will help the Chart Managers determine certain attributes for financial reporting and for future reference in your department. See the example below. 

Account Description Tab

The Account Description Tab provides information about the on-campus location. Each building is identified by the Building Campus Code and a Building Code. This tab is only required for construction project accounts. 

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