Viewing a Class Section Report

Administrators can access and view a class section report in the Student Administration System.

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    NavBar icon
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 

    NavBar Menu
  3. Click the UC Student Records tab.

  4. Click the UC Establish Courses tab. 

  5. Click the UC Establish Courses Reports tab

  6. Click the Class Section Report tab.

  7. Enter the Term (required). 

  8. Enter additional search criteria, as desired.  

  9. Click Run.

  10. From the Server Name drop-down field, select PRDPRC01. This is a crystal report.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Report Manager.

  13. Click the Administration tab, and then continue with the directions.

  14. Click Refresh until Details appears.

  15. Click the Report link to view and print the report in Adobe Reader. 

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