A. Member Committees, Officer: description, drives, guides
A. Member Committees, Officer: description, drives, guides
Member committees and offices: descriptions, drives, guides
UCMB Accounts/Drives: (Officers/Leadership)
UCMB music ucmb.music@gmail.com
UCMB Council President ucmb.president@gmail.com INSERT LINK TO GUIDE HERE
The Council President is elected by the band. The president runs all meetings of the band council, meets regularly with the director and helps all offices and committees fulfill the duties related to their purpose. Those duties evolve and change with the band and the President helps keep duties and expectations in line with the needs of the bands.
UCMB Council Vice-President vicepresidentucmb@gmail.com INSERT GUIDE HERE
The Vice-President is elected by the band and is especially important because he/she/they are charged to be the liaison with all committees and officers and aid their function to help the band.
UCMB Council Historian ucmbhistory@gmail.com 2020 UCMB historian and charges ETC…..
The Historian is elected by the band
UCMB Council Secretary ucmb.secretary@gmail.com INSERT GUIDE HERE
Elected office: minutes of council meetings, coordinate newsletter, band roster, Slack
UCMB Council Communications Coordinator ucmb.communications@gmail.com
UCMB Council Treasurer treasurer.ucmb@gmail.com
UCMB Council Social Coordinator social.ucmb@gmail.com
UCMB Guide for Social Media Use
UCMB Council Alumni Liaison ucmb.alumni@gmail.com
Alumni Liaison Charges ~ Written By: Lucy Littlefield
UCMB Council Merchandise Coordinator ucmb.merchandise@gmail.com MERCH DOCUMENT.docx
UCMB Web Team ucmbwebmaster@gmail.com
UCMB Website Manual
UCMB Council Freshman Representatives ucmb.newmembers@gmail.com
UCMB Council Sophomore Representatives ucmb.sophomores@gmail.com
UCMB Council Junior Representatives ucmbjuniorreps@gmail.com
UCMB Banquet BINDER.pdf
UCMB Council Senior Representatives ucmb.seniorreps@gmail.com
UCMB Mental Health Coordinator ucmb.mentalhealthcoordinator@gmail.com
UCMB Media Team ucmb.mediateam@gmail.com
Media Team Manifesto 2019
UCMB Director Interns ucmb.interns@gmail.com
UCMB Recruiting ucmb.recruiting@gmail.com
UCMB Recruiting Team Manual
UCMB Leadership ucmb.leadership@gmail.com
DMC Leadership Manual Draft
Make Your Own Band Day uconn.myobd@gmail.com
UCMB Summer Staff ucmb.summerstaff@gmail.com
UCMB Volunteers ucmb.volunteers@gmail.com
UCMB Experience (Tower Visits) ucmb.experience@gmail.com
UCMB Newsletter ucmb.news@gmail.com
UCMB Designated Marching Coordinator ucmbdmcoordinator@gmail.com DM Coordinator Binder
UCMB Outreach Committee ucmb.outreach@gmail.com
UCMB Drumline Equipment ucmb.drumequipment@gmail.com
UCMB Logistics Coordinator ucmb.logistics@gmail.com
2021 Logistics Guide
UCMB Work Study ucmb.workstudy@gmail.com
KKPsi & TBSigma Accounts
KKY- VPM kkpsidowork@gmail.com
KKY- VPS kkpsidoservice1919@gmail.com
TBS GK General Email/secretary gammakappatbs@gmail.com
TBS GK VPS tbsgkvps@gmail.com
TBS GK Alumni tbsgkalumni@gmail.com
TBS GK President tbs.gk.president@gmail.com
Chapter- Gamma Kappa gammakappa@tbsigma.org
TBS GK VPM tbs.gk.vpm@gmail.com
TBS GK VPS tbs.gk.vpservice@gmail.com
TBS GK Treasurer tbsgk.treasurer@gmail.com
TBS GK Parliamentarian gk.parliamentarian@gmail.com
TBS Webmaster tbsgkwebmaster@gmail.com
UCMB Admin Email ucmb.office@gmail.com
UCMB Color Guard/Winter Guard colorguarduconn@gmail.com