III. Operational Activities/Duties

Operational Activities/Duties

  1. Member Committees, Officers: descriptions, drives, guides
  2. Internal Communications
    1. Data Base/Roster
    2. Email communication
    3. Website communication
    4. Facebook and Social Media Communications
    5. Husky CT
  3. Alumni Communications
    1. Contact w/ database manager
    2. Historical info gathering
    3. Homecoming and Events 
  4. Website
    1. Recruiting Information
    2. Member Information
    3. Historical Information
    4. General Public Information
    5. Perpetuation of site
  5. Publications
    1. Recruiting
      1. General Information pamphlet
      2. Leadership pamphlet
      3. Personnel profiles pamphlet
      4. Letters 
      5. Posters
      6. Blogs
      7. Video
      8. HTML productions
    2. Member information
      1. Newsletter (monthly)
      2. Pre-season information
      3. Pre-season schedules
      4. Band Handbook
      5. Leadership information
      6. Ballots
      7. Itineraries
    3. Programs
      1. Pre-view Show
      2. Press Guides
      3. Banquet
      4. Exhibition Performance Program
      5. Band Day Materials 
  6. Public Relations
    1. News Release Topics
      1. Officer selection
      2. Member selection
      3. Soloists
      4. Area Performances
      5. Special events
      6. Special Awards
    2. PR committee
    3. Personal Contacts 
      1. Thank you notes
      2. Recognitions
  7. History
    1. Maintaining Old Records
      1. Website Yearly UCMB information database
      2. Physical location/care of media
        1. Photo Archives
        2. Recording Archives
          1. Audio
          2. Video
        3. Updating material to current media
      3. Website accessibility 
    2. Creating New records
      1. Database –Membership/Roster
      2. Database of officers and historic data
      3. Acquiring/Storing Video 
      4. Acquiring/Storing Audio
      5. Acquiring/Storing Photos
      6. Print Media 
    3. Passing Tradition
      1. Consult w/ other event organizers
      2. Plan pre-season ceremony
      3. Banquet video presentation
      4. Media for members
      5. History Day
      6. Website/media/ publications presence
  8. Transportation—Personnel
    1. Pre-season
    2. Game day-personnel
    3. Exhibitions
    4. Special Trips
    5. Communication with travel sites
    6. Directions
    7. Timing 
    8. Travel Support/Comfort issues
    9. Itinerary
    10. Coordination of student/family transportation
  9. Transportation—Equipment
    1. Rehearsal equipment
    2. Game day equipment
  10. Food
    1. Pre-season Meals
    2. Travel Meals
    3. Rehearsal snacks/
    4. Game day meals/snacks
      1. Breakfast (1st meal)
      2. Lunch (main meal)
      3. 3rrd quarter snack
      4. after -game food for members
      5. disposal of extra food
  11. Photography
    1. Roster/database photos
    2. Daily activity photos
    3. Performance Photos
    4. Special event photos
    5. Archival/publishing of photos
    6. Photographers
  12. Videography
    1. Media Team Formation and Operation
    2. Daily activity video
    3. Performance video
    4. Instructional production/distribution 
    5. Special event/topic video
    6. Archival/publishing of video
  13. Sound Recording
    1. Indoor Rehearsal Recording
    2. Outdoor Rehearsal Recording
    3. Production Recordings
    4. Performance Recording 
    5. Recording for CD

These operations carry out most to the supportive activities that allow the UCMB to exist and thrive. Their titles describe their function. Without such support the band would not function well: the staff would be overwhelmed. Most of these duties are fulfilled by band members with various levels of supervision by directors or our administrative assistants. 

These operations are all crucial to the operation of the UCMB many are beyond the specific scope of actually creating and running the band. Because of that some of these activities are less self-motivating and may not receive the attention that could benefit the band 

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