IV. Instruction , Rehearsal, and Performance: Marching Band

  1. Attendance 
    1. Attendance Policy 
      1. Class Conflicts for rehearsals
      2. Individual Absences for rehearsals
      3. Individual Absences for performances
    2. Daily Attendance Procedures
      1. Outdoor rehearsal 
      2. Indoor Rehearsal
      3. Performances
    3. Record Keeping 
      1. Identifying attendance problems
      2. Resolving attendance problems
  2. Physical Preparations/Logistics
  3. Preseason Rehearsals (Direct, Council, DM/Cptns)
    1. Housing (house 300 students)  
    2. Food (feed 300 people)
    3. Registration Items and Proceedurea
    4. Rehearsal support (water etc)
    5. Transportation to rehearsal sites
    6. Leadership Training
    7. Rehearsal/Instructional plans
    8. Rehearsal Site preparations
    9. Alternative rehearsal site prep.
    10. Membership Auditions
    11. First Year Induction ceremony
  4. Regular Rehearsals
    1. Indoor
      1. Winds
      2. Percussion 
      3. Guard
    2. Outdoor
      1. Winds
      2. Percussion 
      3. Guard
      4. Full band
  5. Football Games
    1. Game day procedure
    2. Breakfast
    3. Buses
    4. Load-in / Set Up
    5. Parking 
    6. Early Bus
    7. Husky Walk
    8. On field rehearsal
    9. Seating in the Stands
    10. Pre-game
    11. Music In the Stands
    12. Half-time
    13. Post-game
    14. Load Out
  6. Exhibition performances
    1. Purpose
    2. Travel Procedure. 
    3. Warm-up
    4. Show
    5. Encore
    6. After Performance 
  7. Parades
    1. Parade block formation
    2. Parade instruction
    3. Leader duties on parade
    4. Special instructions
  8. Bowl Games
  9. Other Performances
    1. Concert by the Lake
    2. Tuba Christmas
    3. Huskython
    4. Foundation Support
    5. University Ceremony
  10. Special Events (directors, DM/Cptns, Council)
    1. Homecoming
    2. Band Day, 
    3. Family Day
    4. Band Competitions

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