D. Website
David Mills
D. Website
Recruiting Information
Member Information
Historical Information
General Public Information
Perpetuation of site
The UCMB Website http://uconnband.org is an important center of communication and information for members, alumni, potential members, and band fans. It is maintained by student committee headed by the Webmaster. Being a student maintained item, it requires much attention. The advantages of student ownership are a potential for cutting edge innovation in design, appeal to students, and information from the many student lead initiatives. The disadvantage is a constant rotation of the students involved in its creation and maintenance which means a stiff learning curve as personnel changes. A website procedural guide is needed to help keep the site operating well, have a clean current appearance, and present timely material in every area.
Historical Information: one of the most important parts of the UCMB Website is the year by year record of basic data and links for each year. This will always be a work in progress. Members are requested to fill in missing data and submit materials to post or link to on that page. UCMB History
Website Guide this guide is maintained by our webmaster and website committee and details all matters related to the operation of this site and the function of the committee.