Blackboard Original to Ultra Course View Conversion

This article covers how instructors can manually convert a blank or upcoming HuskyCT “Original” course to “Ultra” Course View.

Because the conversion process can irrevocably delete student work and affect certain course content, (i.e., embedded Kaltura media, certain publisher tools), it is strongly recommended that instructors only follow this conversion process if:

  • The course is not from the current active term, containing active student submissions and grade data

  • You are 100% ready to convert your Original course to Ultra.

🔎 If you would like to preview your Original course in Ultra without potentially affecting the course content and materials, please follow the steps outlined on the Ultra Preview page.

Video Instructions

Step 1: Convert to Ultra

Instructors should follow this conversion process from an upcoming term course or a non-course site (not from a previous term’s course).

  1. Log in to HuskyCT

  2. From the Courses tab, click into the course.

  3. Before starting the conversion process, the course must be set to private. To make the course private, click the lock icon in the upper-righthand corner. A red, locked icon will indicate the private status.

    Image of the lock icon in HuskyCT
  4. Once the course is private, click the orange pencil icon.

  5. Then click Try the Ultra Course View.

  6. While your course is converted, you will be returned to the Courses tab.

  7. You will receive a notification email when the course has been converted.

  8. Refresh your browser and from the Courses tab, your Ultra course will now have a colored strip next to it.

Step 2: Ultra Conversion Preview

Initially, you will be looking at the converted course in Ultra preview mode. You will need to approve the conversion to make it final. While it is possible to revert to Original from the preview version, some course materials (i.e., Kaltura embeds) maybe affected. Any changes made while in the Ultra preview will be lost upon final conversion.

  1. Enter your course. You will receive a report of all the things that were not perfectly converted.

  2. To return to the Original course view, click Back to Original Course button on the page footer. This will roll back any changes made to the course. This step can only be performed in the preview mode.

  3. Course availability: If you choose to return to Original, you will need to make the course Available again by clicking the red lock icon in the upper right hand corner.

    1. Please note that course Availability is also determined by Course Duration dates.

    2. Navigate to Course Management >> Customization >> Properties under Set Course Duration. If you want to change this date, refer toChanging Course Availability

  4. When you are ready to finalize the conversion, click Use the Ultra Course.

  5. To access the conversion report after the course is converted to Ultra, click the Conversion Exceptions link under the left side Details and Action menu.

It is not possible to rollback a HuskyCT course to the Original Course View once it has been converted to the Ultra Course View. If you need to go back to the Original Course View, the Ultra version of your course will need to be deleted and recreated as an Original course and you will lose any changes that you’ve made after conversion.

Common Issues with Converting Courses to UCV





Pencil icon does not appear

  1. Course is available to students. Make the course unavailable

  2. Course is not set up for conversion to Ultra Course View. Contact

Can’t find where to roll back to Original Course View

It is not possible to change back to Original Course View once a course has been converted to Ultra Course View

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