Self-Service Exam Scanning With Scantron

This article is for instructors who wish to scan and grade exams using Scantron. The Scantron service scores exams completed on machine-readable bubble sheets and returns the results and other associated data electronically to the instructor.  

ITS provides self-service exam scanning, which allows instructors to immediately scan their exams and not have to wait for the exam to be picked up and scanned, the results to be emailed, and the forms to be mailed back. Instructors can also retain possession of their student answer forms.

The Scantron desktop scanners are located on the first level of Homer Babbidge Library by the Technology Support Center. On the Storrs campus, the stations are available when the Library is open. Check with your IT personnel at the regional campuses for access and assistance if you plan to use the Scantron device on that campus.

The Scantron Exam Scanning service can score up to five different versions of multiple-choice exams that can have up to 200 questions. Student exams are scored against an answer key provided by the instructor. Instructors receive an email from which includes a ZIP file containing reports and exam data. Online and printed reports listing student grades or item analysis are provided.

The system uses standard 8.5 x 11 blue exam scanning sheets available through Central Stores.

When instructors and students enter information into the sheets, they must use a number 2 lead pencil. No ink, stray marks, or correction fluid may be on any of the sheets, including the key sheets. This condition could cause damage to the machine and/or incorrect exam scoring. If ink or stray marks are discovered, the exam will not be processed. 


  • Verify that the NetID you entered on Page 2 of the exam sheet is correct. Your NetID is used to email the exam results to you. If it is incorrect, two things may happen. If you entered a valid NetID that belongs to someone else, your reports will be emailed to them. If it is an invalid NetID (not in the email system) you will receive an error message at the end of the process, and no reports will be emailed. You will then need to correct the NetID and re-scan the exam.

  • There can only be ONE answer per question. If the answer key (page 3) or a student exam has two bubbles filled in for one question, the sheet will be dropped into the reject bin. If the issue is with an answer key then all student exams for that version will be incorrectly graded.

  • If a student did not bubble in the version (for exams of 2 or more versions), the exam will be graded as the lowest version available (i.e. version 1).

Scanning Exams

  1. Place exams in the intake hopper in the following order:

    1. Page 1 (course information) on top

    2. Page 2 (NetID of instructor which is needed to email results)

    3. All page 3s (version answers in order)

    4. Student exams

  2. Check to ensure that the exams are placed under the swingarm.

  3. Click Start Scanning on the desktop pop-up. Do NOT press the button on the scanner itself. 


  4. The Button will change to “Scanning” and scan the first two pages of your exam, and then the button will change to “Waiting for Remark.” This may take a few minutes. Once this is complete, you will see a red “Remark” appear on the screen and it will scan the rest of the exam.

  5. If you have more student sheets to scan, place them in the intake hopper and click Yes. If you are done, click No and the program will continue to the Grading and Reporting phase. This phase may take a few moments as the data are collated. 

  6. When the reports have been created, the exams will then continue to the Email phase. 
    Note: If you receive an error message when you get to Step 7, this may be due to a NetID that was entered incorrectly on Page 2 or is invalid.

  7. Click OK. The final pop-up will display stating that the Send Wizard has completed. 

  8. Click OK to close the Remark window. 

This completes the Scantron scanning and grading process. You should soon receive an email. 

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