At Risk Clients
SCCM reports active clients at risk mainly for one of two reasons - out of date virus definitions or a failure to apply Endpoint Protection Policy Application State.
Virus definitions can take care of themselves via SCCM, commonly seen when a machine goes offline and reports before downloading the latest version.
Application failures usually occur due to a group policy failure or a problem with WMI
WMI can be repaired using the winmgmt command in an admin command prompt.
winmgmt /verifyrepository can check the consistency of WMI
winmgmt /salvagerepository attempts to repair the WMI repository
winmgmt /resetrepository can reset WMI to defaults, This may force you to uninstall any programs that have corrupted WMI to begin with.
Group Policy updates failed
gpuppdate /force forces group policy to update.
gpresult /h <filepath.html> can run an HTML format report can be useful if gpupdate fails to update group policy.
Common errors with group policy file corruption is a corrupted POL file for group policy, recommend removing the following:
Then doing a gpupdate /force again to see if group policy updates properly.
Once this is done, to expedite getting anti-malware policies back, you can go to Control Panel > Configuration Manager > Actions > and run Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle.