GROMACS in Conda Environment
Ensure you have Miniconda installed and configured. Please refer to the Miniconda Environment Set Up - Storrs HPC - UConn Knowledge Base for more information.
Start an Interactive Session on a GPU
srun -n 1 -N 1 -p general-gpu --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash
Create a New Conda Environment
conda create -n gromacs_env
conda activate gromacs_env
conda search -c conda-forge gromacs
The latest version we are interested in that supports CUDA (as of 7/18/2024) is 2024.2 nompi_cuda_h5cb645a_4
This is subject to changes/updates!
Check Version
How to Use GROMACS in Future Sessions
After installing GROMACS in this manner, all you need to do in new sessions is to activate the environment you did the installation in. If you followed along, it would be:
To see your conda packages:
Keeping GROMACS Up to Date
To keep GROMACS up to date, use:
You can also visit Files :: to see exact files and dates released.
Happy Modeling!
Storrs HPC